February 9th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

I’ve been so busy getting everything ready. I can’t wait. There’s only one day of this week left on the calendar and then it’s your name every day until you move in. I’d say it’s five sleeps until Valentine’s but I can’t imagine we’re going to sleep too well this week. It’s just too exciting.

It always feels like there’s someone missing from the house. Next week you’ll be here at last.

I got loads done today. I didn’t forget about the bananas. The first thing I did was go down to Tesco and get some. I didn’t want you thinking I don’t pay attention to what you like. I wasn’t sure what colour is best for bananas to be but that’s something you can teach me about. The kitchen is stocked exactly how you like it now.

The big thing I did today was start getting the house ready. I want everything to be as comfortable as possible when you’re here. I realised this morning that there wasn’t really anywhere nice to eat in the house. The kitchen chairs were plastic and not very comfortable to sit on. The living room chairs were better but I don’t think we should have dinner in the same room as the T.V. We want to talk to each other face to face instead of just sitting in silence in front of the screen like millions of couples who aren’t really in love.

I’d had the same duvet and sheets for so long. They didn’t really look right for a married couple. They were the bedding of a young man. When I got in I threw away the brown covers and the pillow cases and put on the new ones I bought after I’d been to Tesco. They’re a nice white and red kind of pattern. It’s nothing too bright or horrible. I know you’ll like it. It looks comfortable and sophisticated. It reminds me of you.

I got some nice chairs too when I bought the bed stuff. I couldn’t bring them home so they’re getting delivered. The woman at the till asked if I was re-decorating and I told her I was decorating a house for you to move into. She said it was really romantic. I told her I knew that.

I hope she doesn’t tell anyone else about it. I don’t want anyone else stealing our ideas. Our relationship is special. I don’t want other people copying us. I think she knew we were special. She was being very nosy and I think she was a bit jealous of us.

I made it clear it was important I have the chairs as soon as possible. She said they’ll come tomorrow. She couldn’t say what time though. I told her I’d be in all day. I reminded her I had to be in the house all day anyway as I was getting it ready for you. She said that worked out well then.

I’ve been working really hard to get everything perfect Sophia. It’s not long now at all.

I can’t stop looking at the calendar. It’s less than a week. A week is nothing at all and it’s less than that. Yesterday was the eighth and on the calendar the eighth box is touching the fourteenth. The squares meet at the corner. That’s how close it is. I can practically touch it.

I love you.



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