Chapter 37: A Vision of the Core (M)

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(Music Track is on this chapter. Simply play the following Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix Kairi III, in the window or on Youtube. Begin at Start and stop at END)

It was a tense moment, as Kid aimed his aura revolver at Saku who he himself remained in a fighting stance. Aeron was not sure how to react as the two stared at each other, each ready to charged but then Kid smirked and lowered his weapon "Your reflexes are very fine-tuned indeed. You had already prepared yourself just as I forged my weapon"

"So we're not fighting?" asked Saku to which Kid shook his head "Well you don't look like you want to fight. As I look at your aura weapon...I notice it's an revolver? The powerful weapon that fires only six shots" Kid looked at his weapon and spun it round on his finger

"So this weapon exists on your planet does it? Well I'll ask another time since I'm going to get the point" Kid then produced a metallic orange bullet from his right pocket "here take this in your hand"

Saku, a little gingerly, took the bullet which he felt in his hand. It was thin, smooth and orange in colour "Why do I want with this?"

"Simple charge your energy within the bullet" said Kid "that is all"

"Charge it? Why doesn't it use gunpower?"

"It's an ether bullet Saku" spoke Aeron recognising it "It's a special kind of vessel for housing bio-energy which can be fired from weapons"

"That is correct angel-girl" said Kid "My kind, the Valocs, are capable of producing ether-bullets from our bodies. We can even sell an on for a tidy profit"

Saku looked at the bullet case in his hand "So this makes you pretty much a walking ammo box" said Saku in a smart remark

"While it may sound like it" said Kid "we can't simple mass produce our talents. We can only produce two bullets are any one time. And there's only so many we can create in a we have to stock-pile in advance. Anyway enough talking, just simply charge a little of your energy within the bullet"

"Fine. Then maybe you'll leave me alone afterwards"

Saku enclosed his hand on the bullet, allowed his energy to glow into and then let go. As Saku let go the once orange bullet had changed to a dirty white "There...will this do"

"It will indeed" said Kid taking the bullet "I always like to sample the different effects my bullets can have"

"Well it was nice talking to you" said Aeron "but we must move onwards. We have a meeting with Lady Empress"

"Then I best not keep you waiting. Sorry for taking up your time"

"You'd better" said Saku stepping past "The Empress is not someone who you keep waiting. Come on Aeron"

Kid watched as Saku went by. As Saku passed Kid spoke "Permit a question Saku. Why do you remain curious about something you're afraid of?"

"What I none of your business" Saku said a bit darkly before walking on with Aeron. Kid gave him a curious glare to his back before looking at the white bullet in his hand

"You are having a hard time deciding which way to go. And I plan on helping to guide you down your path" Kid then flicked the bullet in the air, as if flipping a penny, before catching it and crushing it in his grip.

As Kid squeezed the bullet, which gave off no sound, a sort of milky smoke was excreted from his fingers. Kid wafted his hand on the smoke and took a inhale " really are conflicted. I can smell anger, rage, jealousy...and the strongest smell being pain. You were hurt once...and you've despised those people ever since. And yet (Sniff, snifffff) you carry...honour peculiar"

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