Chapter 22: The First Step Forward (M)

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(This Chapter has Music tied to it. At START play the track Aqua's Theme and stop at END. Play it in the window or in youtube)

Angel, Aeron and Emiko could only watch at the event unfurling before them. Katsia was trying to antagonize Saku in order to make him see how bad he was. Katsia then spoke a rather Egoistic comment "I fully respect my family...and fight on their behalf. So knowing they cared for you...why do you treat them so coldly?" Saku, with sharp angry eyes, spoke very darkly

"Why should I care for a family? That abandoned me to begin with"

All of them were caught off guard by Saku's words. He then continued to speak "My family didn't care about me" continued Saku " them I was a laughing stock, them and the rest of the fricking world. They all called me hopeless...and weak knowing fully they were the cause!"

"The cause?" said Aeron curiously "the cause of wha-?" Angel sharply gestured her 'No' knowing it wasn't the time to ask

"So you think what you want of me Katsia. Because I don't care" Saku turned back round "Emiko...I want you to stay with Angel and Aeron. I'll be back later"

Saku then just walked away while Emiko felt the strong surge "Saku...Saku wait"

"Let him go Emiko" said Angel "he needs to be alone right now" Emiko knew this but felt bad for leaving him alone

"Don't worry Emiko" said Aeron reassuring her "Saku will return. He said so himself" Emiko didn't like it but nodded. Angel feeling very agitated from the event and walked to Katsia and slapped her from anger

"What was the meaning of that?" said Katsia angrily rubbing her face

"What you did was completely uncalled for!" said Angel firmly.

Angel was looking almost un-naturally angry, like she had not felt it genuinely before. Her cat eyes were narrow, her fur like hair stood up a little and her wings widely spread out "Not all of us are properly happy with how we grew up. We all can't be proper and prim like yours truly"

"I was merely pointing things out" said Katsia defensively "If he didn't like I said that's his problem"

"What exactly is your problem with him?"

"That he doesn't make any sense. He claims he's friendless, yet he's with all of you. He'll co-operate with you but he clearly won't trust you. So tell me...what do you see in him?"

Angel's angry eyes turned depressed "On the surface...he's as you say, a cold and rude person...who won't value anyone. He's looking only to matter who gets in his way" Angel put her hand on her chest "But underneath...I think very lonely inside"

"Very lonely?" said Katsia "Why would you think Saku is lonely?" Angel looked to be in mild pain as she spoke

"The comment he made, about his family abandoning him...I mostly share the sentiment" Angel looked back up to Katsia "The reason I stay with that I don't think he is as cold as he makes himself out to be"

"You really believe this do you? What proof do you have?"

"The meaning...of his words"

Angel now sounded a little prideful "you don't get it at first...but the words he speaks to you...have something behind them. Something...good to them"

"I...believe that too" said Aeron "I could feel something...respectful about him when he speaks. It's hard to describe it"

"And what about you?" asked Katsia to Emiko "you are his soul-unit and spend all your time with him"

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