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Advice Request
This person's friend "makes fun" of them.

Answered Submission
Someone who makes fun of other people really needs to get a grip because making fun of people is low, disgusting, rude, and just degrading. Whether friend, spouse, parent, sibling, relative, teacher, or stranger, no one should be making fun of you. In fact, the closer you are to a person, the more caring they should be!

Your friend has no right to treat you like this, so the next time she/he makes fun of you, stand up for yourself! Tell him/her that, from now on, you will not tolerate any rudeness like that because you, as a human, should and will be respected by everyone, including him/her. Let him/her know how his/her words make you feel, and remind him/her that, as a friend, his/her job is to be supportive!

If he/she continues making fun of you on a regular basis even after you stand up for yourself, then—well, they aren't a friend. A friend is someone who loves and cares for their friend. A friend is supportive. A friend is a personal who acts as your backbone. A friend is some who makes you feel respected! You should only surround yourself around people who are true friends, so don't he afraid to cut ties with your "friend" if they lack respect and dignify for you. You deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, so if such a right is abused, make sure to stand up for yourself.

We hope for the best!

The Advice Column Team

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