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Advice Request
This person is having trouble with their group of friends.

Answered Submission

It seems like you're in a pretty tough situation! From my point of view, I can tell that your friend isn't taking you into consideration. I'm aware that you tried to talk to them, but this time, REALLY talk to them. Tell them how a friendship works—by having all the people happy and cared about—and that recently, those rules have been defied. You would like to have a normal conversation again without getting them involved!

Tell them that you're willing to talk about Brandon (such as when something big happened between them), but just not all the time. That's worth talking about.

If they still ignore you, then you can either ask a counselor for help, or tell them that you're putting off the friendship until they can sort it out. If they don't do anything about that, then I think you and your boyfriend should find another group of friends. They don't respect you, so why should you respect them?

Let me know how it goes. Good luck!

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