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Advice Request
This person is desperate to know if their crush is into them and what different signs do boys give when they like a girl.

Answered Submission
Hi! You are so young to be wanting to be with a guy, sweetie. Nonetheless, I shall help you out. When your crush finds out that you like him/her, hanging out will become awkward because you have feelings for this person but they might not know how they feel about you. It puts you both in a position where it's more difficult to do things because it isn't as easy now for the crush to feel natural around you and vice versa.

If you would like to confess how you feel on your own terms rather than a friend telling him, I would normally do this with the crush alone and in a series of small questions. For example:
1) What do you see in a girl?
2) How well do you think we would work out?
3) Are you interested in dating at all?

Just simple questions that will help you determine whether you are ready to tell him and it might even give him an idea of where you are going with the conversation. Please don't be afraid of rejection nor should you allow it to break you down. You are super young and there are many, many guys who you will connect with in the future.

Young guys and older guys show different signs in how they may feel about a girl. If you think he acts a little different around you then any other girl in class, he might like you back. If he picks on you and dedicates his time with you, whether that's for annoying or enjoying, it shows he likes being in your company. There are other small signs but all in all, if you're sure that he feels the same, you have a 50% chance of being right. Ask him when you confess (take your time, no rush in asking) and see what happens. This all may seem scary but you're a big girl. You'll be just fine.

Hopefully this works and it was helpful! :)

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