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Advice Request
This person is starting to like her teacher.

Answered Submission
Hello there,

Thank you for coming to us. I understand that feeling when you just want to tell somebody about something. We are always here to listen to your stories and to help you as best as we possibly can.

Your feelings for him are not wrong, because you can't control who you like or who you fall in love with.

This may be something that you would expect, but he's currently older than you by a lot of years. In the eyes of the law, you're still underage, and it would be illegal for someone that is 18 years or older to be in a romantic relationship with an underage kid.

Honestly, it is a little bit unprofessional of him to say that word to you, especially because of who he is to you and who you are to him, but sometimes things just happen out of our control, and we cannot really stop it. Things happen for a reason. I'm not blaming you for any of that.

He is caring, I give you that, but I advise you to, for now, be careful and refrain from being in a romantic relationship with him.

If you really like him and do proceed to have a romantic relationship with him, please consider what would happen if you two are found out by the authorities. Both of you have a lot to lose. He also has a high chance of being suspended or even fired from his job.

If your relationship is turning towards the romance road, I want you to have a talk with him, and ask him to wait for you until you're over 18 years old. If he's really a nice guy who is worth everything and also cares for you and really likes you, he'll wait for you.

But, if he doesn't want to wait, ask yourself if it is really worth it. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I want you to be more careful with guys. I'm not stereotyping all guys to be bad guys who only know how to break people's hearts and only want girls to satisfy their sexual desires, but usually, guys like this hide behind a 'nice guy' image and only show their true colours after you're in a relationship with them. I'm not telling you that he is one of these guys, but it's better to be safe than to be sorry, and make sure he's really a nice guy and not just a 'nice guy'.

For now, it is best for you to only have a platonic relationship with him. I know it sucks because you like him, but if it's worth the wait, it is better to wait as our world has laws. Lots of the time, the law is there for a reason and should not be broken by us.

Don't give up hope. I've seen an exact relationship like yours, but the guy had waited until the girl was over 18. They are now happily married for over 20 years with at least three kids.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you'll do the right thing for you.

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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