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Advice Request
This person used to want to become a doctor but not anymore because they enjoy writing. They haven't told their parents about this yet.

Answered Submission
Hi hon,

Your life is YOURS. It belongs to you. You are the one who is behind the wheels, the creator of the game, the path paver—it's all you. I can understand and relate to the fact that you don't want to upset and disappoint your loved ones. You are stuck in a constant cycle of not being able to get behind, got to keep going, can't stop now, and make them proud.
Before I start with the actual advice, I want to remind you of two things. First of all, just because you don't want to be a doctor anymore, it doesn't mean that you should stop pushing yourself to get that Advanced Diploma and go to a good college. If anything, keep pushing and grab that diploma off the stage and own it because you would have earned it! And second, a quote really comes to mind here that I use whenever things get overwhelming. I think that this could be the one thing you remind yourself of as a reason as not to give up:

"The [person] who does not require validation from others is the most feared individual on the planet." —Mohadesa Najumi

Don't think that you need the acceptance of others to make your dreams a reality. The only person's validation you require is your own. My advice to you is simply one word: Communication.

Communication is the most powerful tool that anyone wields. If you aren't ready to talk about it to your family, then don't. . .Yet. One way that you can go about doing this is to get into that good college and double major. One major that your parents want and another in writing. For example, you can double major in Biology and Chemistry or in Physics and Writing/Literature. Then, you can confide in your parents toward the end of college that you have tried out the whole field of what it is to be a doctor and you have decided that your passion is in writing. Writing is what makes you happy at the end of the day, and there's nothing wrong with that. They will accept it because they are your parents. They love you no matter what you choose to do. The only thing they want is for you to be successful and not have to worry about financial troubles. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.


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