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Advice Request
This person's friend isn't sure whether he should or shouldn't move on after having his heart broken.

Answered Submission
The first thing I think you should do is go give your friend a big hug. When the person you like and want to be more than friends with does not reciprocate your feelings, a heartbreak is obvious. Try to distract your friend from his pain. Hang out with him and spend time with him. Tell him it's going to be okay. His emotions are at peak, and him worrying about moving on or holding onto that person is understandable. I would say he shouldn't invest too much on someone who does not feel the same way about him, but that also doesn't mean he should completely stop talking to her. No one is at fault here.

Imagine if a girl told him she liked him, but he didn't feel the same way about her. What would he do then? He would probably do the same thing that his crush did. If his crush had accepted to go out with him because she did not want to hurt him, it would have caused more harm in the future than what he is going through now. I would suggest you help your friend clear his mind and come to terms with his feelings before taking any decision. If you say it is just a crush, it won't be that big of a problem. Also, it isn't the end of the world and the pain will eventually go away.

We hope everything goes well. :)

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