
141 9 0

Advice Request
This person wants to follow their passion of a musical career but is afraid of being ridiculed for choosing that career.

Answered Submission
Hello! First off, never hold on to negative emotions, because it's going to make you feel more depressed and stressed. Talking to someone about your feelings even will help ease your burden. Or you can always express yourself through your songs.

Anyway, back to the problem!

Never underestimate yourself. Your music will probably help a lot of confused people, who find peace in music and are able to relate to your lyrics. You have to believe in yourself and in your music. Keep composing music, and posting it online for others to know you exist. If your school has a place to practice music, go ahead and practice the hell out of it. Especially if you get the opportunity to sing in front of other people who may make an influence in your life. I think that you should attend to college/ university because if your "music career" doesn't go well, you will always have another opportunity. When you have to attend to university/ college find something that gets you involved in the world of music. But remember that your choices will affect you for the rest of the life. So choose something that you like and want to do, alongside music. Don't forget that you have your family's and friends' support and ours. :)


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