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Advice Request
This person has social anxiety and would like for it to not get in the way of their studies.

Answered Submission
Hello! Social anxiety isn't something to be ashamed of because many people suffer from it and it should definitely help with making sure you are focused on your studies. I know it hurts to not be able to talk to people without having a panic attack, but maybe try to treat it?That's if you would like to be more social.

Being unable to speak to other students should allow you to be more focused because you don't have them to distract you. Having your teacher choose a partner for you isn't the end of the world, you can think of it as a way to get your grade and finish your assignment despite the person you are paired up with.

People can only be perceived as better when you give them that pedestal and allow them to be better than you. Don't give anyone that kind of status in your mind. You do what you think is best for you. That means you give it your all. You try your hardest. You do what you can to get the best grade. Just don't allow yourself to wallow in self pity because of your anxiety. Just do you!

I hope I helped, I really tried. (:

All the best,

The Advice Column Team

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