
97 8 0

Advice Request
This person has suffered mentally, emotionally, and physically more than once. Because of their sufferings, they feel like they need advice to help support their conditions.

Answered Submission
My dear girl, I, first of all, must express my sympathies, but please know that I don't mean it in a condescending or fake sort of way. I truly admire your spirit and resilience, and I honestly can say that I am in awe of you as a person. It cannot be easy whatsoever going through what you have been.

I think that the first step in others gaining acceptance of your conditions is for you to first come to terms with the pain and suffering that will be a constant part of your future and your life. I see that ever since you met with that cardiologist, you have been utterly torn up about it, and nowhere have you mentioned that you managed to get over it. So, if you're different from most other high school students, what if you go through much more than they do? You are the one who is all the better for it. They are still children, while you have aged beyond your years and have experienced things most adults in their 70s haven't. No matter what, you can't let this control you. If you do, it's game over for you. You need to learn to hold onto the reins of an angry, bucking bull. You can make this happen.

You will pass eventually. Don't let it tear you up if you don't graduate the same year that all your friends do. That doesn't matter. What matters most is that you manage to overcome this hurdle. Your life is absolutely precious. If you think suicide will solve anything, it won't. Trust me. If you care about the emotional trauma of your loved ones, then you cannot be serious about taking your own life. You are worth more than that, and you deserve more than that. I think you need to talk about your feelings of acceptance and uncertainty with those closest to you. It will help them stop grieving over you and start understanding that you still have your whole life to live. I believe in you. We are here for you if you need to talk to one of us again.

If you feel suicidal again, go to this website and call the hotlines for your area immediately:

With all our love and best wishes,The Advice Column Team

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