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Advice Request
This person is questioning their sexuality. They have always labeled themselves as bisexual but recently are not even sure if they are attracted to men or not. 

Answered Submission
Hi! :)

You're confused about your sexuality, so before labeling yourself and telling those around you about your sexual orientation, I think you need to spend sometime thinking about it yourself. Don't worry about what others think. For now, just decide what you are happy being. You said you've always labeled yourself as bisexual but are no longer into guys. This may mean you are only physically attracted to men but not sexually attracted to them. 

Also, you said your real crush is a girl you met at summer camp and you've been lying about a non-existent male crush. If you know you are definitely attracted to girls, then I believe that may answer your question about your sexuality.

However, you don't need to live by a label; you can be attracted to whoever you want. You cannot stop attraction. Plus, man-made labels might only confuse you. As long as you are aware of your sexual identity, that is all that matters. 

You should wait until you are sure of your identity and then let others know. Don't rush things and feel the need to have a label. Once you are fully sure and comfortable of what and who you are, then the is the time you can start telling people.

Since you're transferring to a new school next year, perhaps you should focus on the transition you'll be experiencing, and maybe along the way you will discover your sexual identity. You know know!

We wish you the best of luck,

The Advice Column Team

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