
184 12 0

Advice Request
This person is curious as to whether or not this boy is interested in her or not.

Answered Submission
Hey there! The first thing you need to know is that you have a lot of time ahead of you to start dating and/or liking anyone. Just take it slow, and enjoy life while you can. :)

You mentioned that you only see this boy twice a month at church or at camp. The reason for him being distant is maybe because of the lack of contact between you two. In theory, it is a lot easier to talk and interact with someone if you see them on a daily basis or have a lot in common with them. That explains why you two talk a lot at camp, but not necessarily a lot over text.

Speaking of texting, it seems best to keep it at a minimum. The boy could be quite busy, which could be the reason why he doesn't indulge in much conversation. In this situation, maybe it's best to text him not as frequently. You can send a message every now and then asking him how he's doing, but unless it's very important, just lay off of it.

Just remember that for a healthy relationship, it should be an effort from both people, not just one. But hey, don't worry too much about it. A lot of boys will come and go in your lifetime, so don't dwell on it too much.

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