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Advice Request
This person has a crush on someone and is trying to get his attention.

Answered Submission
Hi there! To start things off, going such lengths to get someone to like you is not the best approach. You are perfect, just the way you are.

Skipping meals will only end up far worse than expected. Sure, the results may come fast, but it will leave you vulnerable to many diseases and can even land you in the hospital. You need to take care of yourself and eat properly. Please, for your own sake, go back to eating breakfast and lunch. Both provide vital nutrients that can help you be more productive. After all, breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day for the heck of it.

Another thing is, Wattpad stories, particularly popular jock and outcast girl ones, are not realistic in the slightest. Don't base your expectations on those. Sure, they can be a fun read, but their semblance to reality is limited. Instead, focus on living your own life. You're a beautiful, gorgeous individual, so keep it that way. ☺️

As for getting the boy's attention, try smiling or waving at him whenever you see him in the hallways. This lets him know you're friendly and willing to talk. Another thing you can do is perhaps strike up a small conversation. Nothing major, but things such as the weather or the homework assignment, or even the latest sports updates. These may seem cheesy, but they can easily lead to a more comfortable environment for the both of you.

You mentioned that all your friends had boyfriends. First thing is, please don't compare yourselves to them. As mentioned above, you are your own person, and therefore will face your own challenges and tribulations. It's perfectly okay that they have boyfriends and you do not. It just makes waiting for the right guy all the more worth it. As they are your friends, feel free to ask them what they think you should do in terms of this dilemma. They will be willing to help, guaranteed. :)

My apologies for coming out as harsh, but I want you to know that you are absolutely perfect the way you are. Don't worry about what others think of you—just live your best life. The best advice I can give about your crush is to befriend him, so you can see how he really is and if he is right for you.

Wishing you the best of luck,

The Advice Column Team

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