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Advice Request
This person is struggling with loving themselves.

Answered Submission
Hey, Honey! It is so wonderful that you came to us for advice! Lucky for you, we've got plenty.

First and foremost, you should know that there is so much about you to love. And, no, I'm not saying that just because or out of nowhere. Right now, I'm 100 percent sure that you have so many people who love you and cherish you. I'm sure they are also blessed with common sense. They wouldn't choose to love someone who cannot be loved; ergo, you have qualities about you that can be loved. The fact is, the only person who you have to get past to solve this problem is you. You need to understand that no human is ever perfect. We have admirable qualities, but we also have flaws. The sum of these qualities makes up who we are. You can't exist on either of the extremities—no person is just flaws and no person is just admirable qualities. You must have a mix of both. This is the trick: you need to know that you are made of both. Beliving with blind faith can get you a long way. So, no matter how hard it may seem to believe, know that you are beautiful, you are smart, you are not fat, you are you, and you are perfect in your own way.

My dear, there is only so much we can do for you. We have done our part. Now, you must fulfill your end, and start to convince yourself that you are more than all the degrading words that you could possibly come up with. We wish you the best of luck in this and in all your future endeavors.

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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