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Advice Request
This person isn't sure whether the help they're providing for their friends is adequate or not.

Answered Submission
First of all, I just want to say that you are an amazing friend for being there for both of your friends. Also, with the situation that you are in, you do not seem to favour one friend over the other, and you treat both of them nicely, which is an amazing feat.

From what I understand, I think you’ve done all that you can do for your friends. You are there to be supportive for them when they need your help; keep that up. You’re doing great!

As for your friends’ situation, it is actually a very hard situation to be in. Liking the same person has caused a lot of riffs in people’s friendships in the past, but from the way you describe it, there’s no sort of that stuff with your friends. That is a huge relief.

I think it’s time for both of them to have a serious talk between themselves to lay everything out. I don’t think it’s good for this situation to last any longer because we are talking about feelings, and feelings aren’t a light matter. You could be present to help them when they’re talking because a third person’s view usually helps.

Don’t stress too much over this. You have done what a friend should do when they’re in the same situation as yours. Just keep on being there for them.

I really hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck. If you feel like this advice isn’t clear enough, you can always ask for our help again.

With love,
The Advice Team Column

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