being thick

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okay so i usually don't talk about like body shaming because a lot of body shaming rants just annoy the shit out of me for the most part (for reasons i'm not finna discuss), but -champagnemani explained it to a t and i'm about to do the same ( but just about being thick because i always say something wrong when i talk about skinny shaming because i can't relate because i haven't been skinny((more like slim)) in a while. )

so i have really big thighs and a pretty big chest and a big butt and stomach rolls blah blah blah and i'm not insecure with my body but i'm just saying.

i'm really sick of "slim thick" being a thing, because it sets SUCH unrealistic body goals for anyone in this generation (not just girls.) i feel like everyone wants to have a slim waist and thick thighs, or not even thick thighs, just a big butt.

y'all that is not the reality of "being thick", and i feel like sometimes i shouldn't say i'm thick because people will think i'm saying it just to say it, just to be a part of the now fetishized, unrealistic and desired body type of media. but y'all, i have stomach rolls, and huge thighs. i feel like "slim thick" is really not what being thick is.

not everyone can be curvy and have a big butt while somehow keeping no stomach. some, not all, people who do have those bodies alter them surgically or use waist trainers (but not all the time, and there's nothing wrong with plastic surgery.)

i just think that glorifying being "thick" and somehow skinny at the same time is wack.

idk if i explained this the way i wanted to but i jus wanted to say it real quick for all the thick girls who are out there insecure because they're loved for their thighs and butt, but if they have a stomach, they're seen as repulsive.


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