i'm so upset right now UGH

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okay so as you guys know, i'm in theater camp and it is now my first year in teen camp. and teen camp is a lot different because teens are a lot more experienced and a lot older than us and whatnot. another thing with the teens is that they are a lot more theatrical than the youth camp!

which is very annoying, because theater kids are already annoying, and trust me, i would know, i'm one of them. like a lot of them have this annoying air about them ESPECIALLY when they break into song every 5 seconds !! i guess i don't do it because i love singing and acting and dancing but i'm not in LOVE with the theater. like there's broadway shows that i like and disney movie songs i like and musical songs i like but these kids talk about it 24/7. and sing about it while talking about it.

but the worst thing about the teen camp is that they are PETTY. a lot of them are white kids that are like townies(except theatrical), so they think they're THE shit (when they're really just arrogant and self centered for the most part) and they are always gossiping.

and a lot of the teens feel entitled to act as middle school teachers as if they weren't thirteen and annoying and exciting once ? like yes i can see why the teen interns for youth camp would be in teacher mode and why other teens might be like "ok guys quiet down" but otherwise it's SO unnecessary. you are not the director, shit your pants somewhere else, y'know?

like they literally throw shade at each other. like massive shade that isn't very subtle so if the person they're shading hears it, they will get their feelings hurt and i just don't like that. because i've seen a lot of teen campers' reactions to being shaded by other teen campers and it makes me so mad because they are clearly hurt ?? like i don't like when people go out of their way to say or do something that they know is gonna hurt the other's feelings ? it just pisses me off !! it's rude, unnecessary and bullying.

okay so now onto the story. we were singing this song "too darn hot", and at the beginning, a couple kids and i are supposed to like snap and or clap or something. so you know, we're doing our thing, having a good ass time ! meanwhile the other teens who aren't snapping are giving us these ROOD ASS looks as if telling us to stop ??? and i was like oh no hunty this is what we were told to !!

so we stop after a while into the song and the voice instructor goes "whoever's snapping could you please do it on beat?"

and of FUCKING COURSE THE TEENS WHO AREN'T SNAPPING HAVE TO FUCKING REACT. okay so this is like hard to explain but like when someone or a group of people in this case does something off or wrong, the majority of the rest of the teens do something to show an unneeded, unnecessary and immature reaction ??? especially if one of the instructors comments on it ???

and it just irritates me that they feel the need to act all "ooh hoo ha ha i'm so professional i've been in the theater for all sixteen years of my whiny life !! i can now laugh or react in some way when someone does something wrong and i won't be reprimanded because i never do anything wrong !!" like not even exaggerating, that's the vibe they give off and it pisses me the fuck off. like when people have an advantage over others because they're more experienced and decipher that as their chance to make less experienced people feel dorky.

so like ofc the teens like fucking laugh or whatever and LITERALLY one of them turned to one of the people that was snapping and gave them a look and it was just like ?? wow ?? that's SO unnecessary like clearly they know who the instructor is talking about, why do you feel the need to rub it in?

and then one of my friends who was also snapping raises her hand and says,

"oh just in case you didn't know, the dance instructor said to make those snapping noises."

AND IT WASN'T LIKE A SNOOTY "in case you didn't know" because she's vERY sweet so she was being chill as heck !!

and then the fucking director goes "um, just to clarify, the dance instructor said to snap on the beat so the vocal instructor didn't get annoyed."


and then the teens of course went wild over that and i was just very very annoyed and upset because there is NO REASON. literally NO reason at all, for them to act like that. first off, it's immature, which confuses me because the teens in that camp are the first ones to wanna be mature. but when it comes to just a simple mistake that a few people (yes, including me) made, y'all suddenly wanna act like we were purposely ruining the song and that the director just put us in our place!1!11!1!1

two, it's fuCKING ANNOYING NO ONE TOLD YOU TO SPEAK SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN YALL MAKE MISTAKES ( which i guess they don't because they're just sO professional ) YOU DON'T HEAR US LAUGHING ??? we are all talented everyone makes mistakes there is nO need to make it a bigger deal than it needs to me.

y'all i might sound so extra getting so heated over this but if you were one of the people that was snapping bro ... and if you were there and you weren't an annoying theater kid, i guarantee you would feel the same way. also i'm on my period which explains why i actually crIED OVER THIS but i'll explain that later. 

three/ yo, in youth camp we were NOTHING like this. like yes there might be that one cast member we didn't love so much but we didn't single them out and they would literally never know ?? take me for example, just the other day a youth camper that i do not like that much said hi to me and i smiled and waved and said hi back like a cordial person. but i swear if it was a teen camper that had laughed , the situation would be different.

anyway in youth camp if people made a mistake no one cared ? like the director will scream at you for making a mistake a week before the play , BUT NO ONE LAUGHED !! NO SHADY REACTIONS ??? so what thE FUCK !!!!

anyway that fucking happened and then my mom picked me up and i complained so fast about it and literally when it had happened i was trying not to cry !! just because it really annoyed me and when i get annoyed or angry, especially on my period, i cry like 60% of the time. so yeah i was just basically ranting about it the same way i am right now and then i got so fuckin angry about it that i started crying so there goes my day summary for ya !! lol !! litty !!

anyway this may or may not be my last year at that camp smh i might just intern next year but that would be stressful too because kids can be annoying. but yeah there's my rant lol


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