why i want to convert to buddhism

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i've been thinking of getting books & converting to buddhism because of the reasons listed below.

- i'm sick of the christian community w/ their homophobia. i don't value the same things they do & i'm tired of being associated with this religion & certain people expecting me to be this and that because i'm christian. also, i don't believe in this whole theory of god creating everything & angels on earth bla bla bla. i'd rather side with science on the topic of the way the world was created. also, i don't want to worry about sinning to god and being scared about not going to heaven or doing an unforgivable sin or whatever that means. also, i like masturbation, and being christian, that's technically not accepted even though i didn't peep that in the bible 🤔.

- people who are buddhist have inspired me because of the lifestyle they choose to display. obviously, these people aren't 1OO% everything they show on their platforms, but i feel like their religion has a lot to do with the way they behave.

- i really do want to focus on positivity and spirituality at this age. i don't know much about the religion, but i know that being buddhist involves a lot of that happiness stuff, & i would enjoy some of that.

- i want to experience something new. religion really isn't a big deal to me, but converting religions is. i want to step out of my box and experience what i can while i'm young.

i know i have more reasons, but i can't remember them lol.

if you can, comment some books that'll help me learn about things like meditation & buddhism.


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