my racist teacher is getting fired

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So before I even start ranting, if you're not socially aware... like if you think reverse racism exists, DO NOT READ THIS RANT. you will get your feelings hurt !!

Okay, let's take it back to term 1 of 8th grade at my school :) I walk into science class. My teacher, his armpits sweaty and face red, introduces himself. We'll call him Mr. H for the sake of my school's identity. Okay, so Mr. H is pretty funny, cracks a bunch of jokes, blah blah blah. He's not my favorite teacher, but he's everyone else's.

Anyway, the reason he wasn't my favorite teacher in term 1 was because I was failing his class. I emailed him trying to talk about it once, didn't get a response. My mom and I emailed him (my mom CC'ed me), and we got a very clear response on how things work around his classroom.

He said some stuff about how I didn't pay attention in class, slept during the unnecessary movies (that didn't correlate to our lessons very much) that he paid, all that shit. He said to talk to him in person and the whole tone of the email was very rude. It's kinda like sir, you're a teacher. I'm failing your class because your system is 60% test grades and 40% lab notebook. First off, he doesn't give homework, so I can't bring up my grade by that. Second off, you can't retake any quizzes and or tests. Third off, he doesn't even put in the grades for the lab notebook.

So I already didn't like this one. Fast forward to term 4. Mr. H has successfully shown his asshole layers ( lmao that sounds so gross .) But basically, me and my friends are kinda starting to see that he's an asshole. I already didn't like him, but practically the rest of the entire school did. Me and Danielle don't really like him. Most of my friends were casual about him I guess.

Anyway, the day I decided I was really done was when he was talking to a student and she was talking about how much she hates cats. Then Mr. H resorts to talking to the entire class, and he goes, "Oh yeah, Student A(not using his name) is coming out with this book called 'A Thousand Ways to Cook your Dog.'" Student A is Vietnamese,,, hmmm,,,, stereotyping ??? I think so.

Anyway the class laughed and let it slide because he's a "cool teacher", and Student A laughed too. I don't know if he actually thought it was funny or if he just felt like he had to laugh ?? Idk.

Anyway, Mr. H continued to make jokes throughout the term. He said a lot of shit he could get fired for in general, not all of it is racist. Anyway, I know I said I was already done, but Mr. H created a new level of done for me one day. A bunch of students in my class are Dominican. Actually, all the Latinx students in my class are Dominican. So I don't really remember what exactly went down, but it all ended with Mr. H saying that people in DR didn't eat ??? And he was making jokes about the select people there that starve and can't read.

And all of them were really just laughing ... but they all told me they were mad about it later on. Anyway, if that were me and he were coming for Nigeria... LMAO. There would have been a problem!!

Anyway, there's just a kind of prelude for what's next. This morning, my friend Danielle snapchats me these screenshots.

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