when in love

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if i were to be in love or have experienced it( which i haven't ) i thinK THIS is what i would feel/ things that would happen to me. just because everytime i see river phoenix or corey haim this sort of stuff happens & i don't want to say i'm "in love" w them because everyone thinks they're in love with a celebrity. plus i'm 13 lol. but here goes -

• upon seeing them or even thinking of them, a big smile ( with teeth ) grows slowly on your face

• when you think of them or talk to them or interact with them, you might start laughing or getting all giggly even when you tell yourself "it's not the time!!"

• even when they aren't with you, you sometimes pretend that they are and pretend to be next to them or holding their hands. ( i know this is really weird sounding but the people i'm "in love" with are dead so i kind of have to work around things lmao. so when i want them ( all i have to do is dreeeeam ) i will sometimes clasp the air and pretend i'm holding hands with them. iDK it comforts me you can't judge. )

• you think about them a lot, perhaps more often than you should

• your eyes widen at the thought or mention of them.

• you often dream or day dream about you, or if you're having a nightmare, they often intervene and turn your nightmare into a dream.

• certain colors or words or memories you have ( even memories without them ) remind you of them.

• you still haven't successfully figured them out.

• you know too little and/ or too much about them

• you feel glad when people bring them up, but because people don't, you bring them up a lot. when you do, you speak about them in a hyper way or you blab random things about them, most of the time annoying people, but they know how much you love them so they listen patiently.

• everything you find beautiful can link to them if you want it to.

• they make you feel a myriad of emotions. often times you feel comforted/ positive emotions by the thought of them, but other times you are upset by the thought of them even when they didn't do anything to upset you. you're most likely upset at the thought of losing them ( as in breaking up, losing contact or death ), or because you've already lost them.

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