classics club trip

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so today was the dreaded classics club trip that i was telling you all about & complaining about. so my latin teacher was supposed to take us but she can only take four people in her car and technically it's illegal to take kids if you're a teacher.

SO, we decided to take the bus. and let me remind you that it's like 75 degrees out even now and so it was HOT. so we get on the bus.

and then this guy comes on the bus and he's going,

"yo can y'all move out the FUCKIN WAY!"

and in my head i was like, "oh he's probably a student yelling at his friends."

so i ignore it. ( btw there's like five of us and one of them is my friend say who didn't want to go but she's getting extra credit. ) anyway he KEEPS yelling this and like varieties of "move out the fuckin way!" and "move down!" and stuff like that. so i look up. and he looks like a 35 year old ???

so i'm getting a little nervous because if i'm on the bus and i do not take public transportation, obviously i'm gonna get a little nervous at some thirty something year old guy who's yelling.

anyway then things take a turn. then he goes,

"before i get the ISIS on y'all!"

and that day i was deadass JUST reading an ISIS article ( this is why i say i'm psychic. )

but when he yelled that i got really nervous because you don't know if he's armed. like shit. tu no sabe nada 😂😭 but anyway my heart was THUMPING in my chest because like i was thinking of how ISIS comes up at random everyday events and stuff. and it's like a casual place they'll be at. so i'm scared af and it's like i knew he wasn't gonna do anything but if you're yelling about getting the most dangerous terrorist group on us then like shit... ima have to dip. but anyway he kept talking about getting ISIS on us.

and THEN. the bus JERKED and his elbow hit my head and it hurt but i did not react because i was not about to have him acting like i caused that. so he goes,

"YO WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT THE FUCK! CAN YOU MOVE OUT THE WAY YOU FUCKING BITCHES?" and at this point people were giving him all types of looks and i was like the fuck wrong with y'all ?? don't you know not to look at certain people in a certain way?

and anyway when the ride was over i DIPPED. and it's funny cuz me and say were SCARED like say & i both have anxiety issues and if i knew how buses worked i would have dipped before my stop but idk how they work and i had a place to be so i had to sit next to this guy who was holding on to one of the pole thingies. and he was like right next to me.

anyway, i had a feeling he wasn't gonna do anything but buses don't require security checks like shit idk he could have a knife, a gun. like shit. it occurred to me when we got off that he was probably mentally ill.

but anyway then we got to the school and we did our little play.

but listen there was this one student aide ( these kids look like they're 7-10 maybe ) and he's like in his 20s ( matter fact, the lady who works at the school said he was 20. )

anyway he asked us how old we were and what grade and blah blah blah so my friend Say said that she was in 8th grade. and he goes,

"wow you're only in 8th grade? no wayy."

something like that as though she looked older. so we just kinda smiled and Say and I walked away cuz we were still doing a little project with the kids. so then the guy asked her where she lived and she told him the neighborhood. then he had to ask her where in the neighborhood. so she lied.

and he was like asking all these questions cuz my and Say were speaking in Spanish and he asked if she was Cape Verdean blah blah blah. then he asked the two older students who were with us if there were any senior girls in the group because he "needed a senior."

like boy ?? sit down with ya grown ass. anyway then my mom came to pick me up and we told her about the bus fiasco and the guy and we waited with Say until her dad came to pick her up so that she would be comfortable and everything. and yeah it was chill af and fun :)

other than that the whole event was okay like it wasn't that bad :)

anyway yeh that's basically it


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