girl lemme tell u

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omfg im so mad i was deep into this rant and then wattpad shut down and wiped my shit do u guys have any idea how much i hate wattpad i think not.

(I found a manip of jack gilinsky and siena yus)

anyways bla bla bla today bla bla bla.

basically, i had english class last period and u guys know that i sit with fuckboy and his obnoxious friend sebastian. these boys are overboard ignorant. they use racial, ableist and homophobic slurs, they make jokes about syrian refugees, the attack on paris, 9/11, mental illnesses and physical illness.

Tbh guys idk how i had a crush on fuckboy i must have been smoking some good shit.

but anyways yesterday he kept saying the n word although he's white passing & quite self hating (brazilian & italian but he chooses clearly to identify himself as fully white which although it's his choice, he is not fully white.)

and the best part is, he kept calling me nigga nd i didn't say anything about it but after class i was like "you know what, tomorrow i'm gonna put the both of them in so much check."

but before i explain, lemme tell u this right now: if you are not black, i am most definitely not 'your nigga.'

idc if you're half Dominican half Korean, if you are not black, i am not your nigga!!! thx.

anyways psa over, i'll describe what happened. so fuckboy was throwin around the n word while we were doing our group project, so i said,

"you're not allowed to say that since you're white. well, technically you're not white, you're white passing but you're still not allowed to say it."

and as usual whenever i use "big words" with simple meanings, he goes,

"idk what that means."

i explained it to him and he continued to act like he wasn't half poc. anyways, then i said,

"white people got the word from the country in africa named niger and they made fun of it and changed the spelling around."

and then this hoe really tried to correct me. yes, there's probably a thousand correct originations of the word, but don't tell me that one that is amazingly correct is incorrect. i said to him, when he was done,

"are you really trying to explain this word to me rn?"

then his fucking friend, seb jumped in and said some bs idk and then i started to explain the whole "black people reclaimed the word white people cant say it" yada yada yada you know the drill with these cabrons. then seb's hoe ass said,

"woah that's racist."

the worst part is that seb is poc and soucifjff it annoys me so much when poc think reverse racism exists like please take several seats. and then i said in the most straight forward voice u have ever heard,

"reverse racism doesn't exist. prejudice against white people does, reverse racism does not."

and then these hoes had nothing to say!!! which is a first cuz they usually spew the ignorant stuff that comes to their heads first so that means i rendered them speechless. yall better comment that im slaying or something cuz ik i did but that makes it even better.

then, seb started crawling even further up my anal cavity like the nasty little spider he is. i said something and then fuckboy said,

"nobody cares."

i said,

"well i'm somebody and i care, soooo...."

then seb was like,

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