Chapter 122

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It was okay not to hide, but Qi Luo's fragile self-esteem was immediately frustrated as soon as he avoided it.

He knew the hidden love for Jun Lin in Leng Qiubai's heart. After all, everyone would be moved by such an outstanding god as Jun Lin.

But is the God of Honor an existence that can be touched casually? He was so high that he could ascend at any time. Qi Luo couldn't understand what Leng Qiubai was thinking?

The mountain gods probably never paid attention to her, they just treated her as an ordinary junior.

Could Leng Qiubai not know Jun Lin's attitude towards her? She is so smart, and she has a family mission on her shoulders. She must know what to do and what not to do, but she has already met such an outstanding Lord God, how can she let go of others casually?

She knew how Qi Luo felt about her. If Jun Lin hadn't appeared, she might have fallen in love with him. But as soon as Jun Lin appeared, Leng Qiubai's heart would run wild and he couldn't control it.

Especially when he saw Shen Jing'an led by Jun Lin today, Leng Qiubai felt extremely unbalanced.

He is just a rabbit demon, and his level seems to be so low. Is it just because he was raised by Jun Lin that he is so doting on him?

Qi Luo was not very happy. Seeing that Leng Qiubai still wanted to step forward, he quickly grabbed her arm and said, "What are you doing? The mountain god has already left. Do you want to step forward to say hello now?"

"Didn't you see that he was anxious to go home with his little rabbit?"

Leng Qiubai was impatient, "That's just a rabbit he raised, just a little demon..."

Qi Luo almost laughed angrily, "A rabbit? Can you tell your conscience that you really think so?"

"Can't you see how much the mountain god likes that little rabbit? Even if he is just an ordinary little rabbit demon, he is still a treasure raised by the mountain god. Does he have that kind of attitude towards outsiders? Don't be stupid !Would you please wake up a little?"

Leng Qiubai was also annoyed, "You don't have to worry about my affairs, Qi Luo, you have a lot of messy things to deal with yourself, so can you stop worrying about others!"

This was probably the first time that the male and female protagonists had such an unpleasant quarrel, and they ended up unhappy anyway.

These will be told by the system later when I go back to Junlin.

"It seems that we should try our best to avoid meeting those two people in the future. It's not a worry."

Cang nodded accordingly, "Our wife still looks well-behaved and feels comfortable no matter how she looks at her." 】

[Has Xiaoan started practicing now? 】

"It started a long time ago. He has a good understanding. I personally taught him and he learned quickly."

Shen Jing'an was a good candidate for cultivating immortals in her previous life. Cultivation may be difficult for others, but for Shen Jing'an who already has the foundation, it is still very simple.

The small world is not that complicated. Many of the techniques are relatively simple and easy to learn. It didn't take long for Shen Jing'an to learn all the minor spells.

He was still growing, so he ate a lot after transforming.

In the past, he only ate spiritual grass and spiritual pistil, but now that he has transformed, he can eat some meat and fish. Jun Lin cooks delicious food for this little ancestor in different ways every day, feeding Shen Jing'an until she becomes fat and white.

I picked up a cannon fodder wife in a parallel world [Quick Travel]Where stories live. Discover now