(Ultra Violet and Black scorpion) Ultra Violet X Reader

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"Learning how to be a hero"

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"Learning how to be a hero"

Pov Nobody

"Being a hero is so challenging. I never imagined it would be this tough."

"Don't worry, Ultra Violet. You're doing great. It takes time to master your abilities." Black scorpion say.

"That's right, UV. We believe in you. You have the strength and determination to become an amazing hero."

"I appreciate your support, guys. But sometimes I feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities."

"Remember why you chose this path, UV. You wanted to make a difference and protect those in need." Black scorpion say.

"And you're already making a difference, even if it's small. Every act of kindness and bravery counts."

"You're both right. I shouldn't let self-doubt hold me back. I'll keep pushing forward and improving."

"That's the spirit! We'll train together and help you harness your powers to their fullest potential." Black scorpion say.

"And I'll be right by your side, supporting you every step of the way. You're not alone in this journey."

"Thank you, both of you. Your belief in me gives me the strength to continue and become the hero I aspire to be."

With renewed determination, Ultra Violet embraces her role as a hero, knowing that she has a loving support system to rely on.

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