(The owl house) Luz X Reader X Amity

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"Ice skating"

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"Ice skating"

Pov Nobody

Y/n was gliding gracefully on the ice, her two friends Luz and Amity cheering her on.

"Wow, Y/n, you're really getting the hang of this!" Luz say.

"Yeah, you're a natural! Have you ever done this before?"

"No, this is actually my first time. But it's so much fun!"

Suddenly, Y/n lost her balance and stumbled forward, almost falling.

Luz say worried. "Careful there, Y/n! Don't want to end up with a bruised bum."

Amity giggled as Y/n regained her footing.

"Thanks for the warning. I'm still getting used to it."

As they continued skating, they chatted about their favorite winter activities and made plans for hot cocoa afterwards.

"I love snowboarding, but ice skating is definitely a close second." Luz say.

"I prefer skiing myself, but I have to admit this is pretty fun too." Amity say.

"I think I might have found a new favorite activity. Thanks for introducing me to this, guys."

As they finished their last lap around the rink, Y/n felt grateful for her friends and their shared love of adventure. She knew that no matter what activity they did next, they would always have each other's backs.

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