(Amphibia) Sasha X Reader

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"I will protect you"

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"I will protect you"

Pov Sasha

I hold Y/n's hand tightly. "Y/n, I need to make sure you're safe here in Amphibia."

"Sasha, I appreciate your concern, but I can handle myself."

"I know you can, but this place is full of dangerous creatures. Let me protect you."

"Sasha, we've been through so much together. Trust me, I can handle whatever comes our way."

I smile. "Alright, but promise me you'll stay close to me at all times."

"I promise, Sasha. We'll stick together like glue."

As we explore Amphibia, I become increasingly overprotective.

"Y/n, watch out for that giant spider!"

"Relax, Sasha. It's just a harmless little critter."

"Harmless? You sure about that?"

"Positive. Look, it's just weaving its web. Let's not disturb it."

I grumble. "Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on it."

She laughs. "You're such a worrywart sometimes, Sasha." Despite my overprotective nature, Y/n manages to navigate Amphibia without any major issues. "See, Sasha? We made it through the day without any harm."

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I won't keep looking out for you."

"I know you mean well, Sasha. But I want us to enjoy this adventure together without constant worry."

"Alright, Y/n. I'll try to tone down the overprotectiveness. Let's just have fun from now on."

Y/n and I continue our journey through Amphibia, striking a balance between adventure and safety.

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