(Miraculous) Cat Noir X Reader

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"I... I am Cat Noir"

Pov Nobody

Y/n listens the door being knocked out, so she puts pause in the Amphibia final and goes open the door.

When she does that she sees her boyfriend crying. "Y/n, I can't keep lying to you anymore. I have to tell you the truth."

Y/n was surprised. "Adrien, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Adrien sniffles. "I... I am Cat Noir. It's me behind the mask.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, Y/n. I've been keeping it a secret all this time, but I can't do it anymore. I love you too much to continue lying."

Y/n look ate him confused. "But... why did you lie in the first place?"

"I was afraid of losing you. I thought if you knew my true identity, things would change between us."

Y/n teary-eyed. "Adrien, I love you for who you are, not for being Cat Noir. You didn't have to hide this from me."

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't realize how much damage my lies were causing until now."

Y/n holds Adrien's hand. "It's okay, Adrien. We'll work through this together. But promise me, no more lies."

Adrien nods. "I promise, Y/n. From now on, complete honesty.

"That's all I ask for. I love you, Adrien, both as Cat Noir and as yourself."

Adrien hugs Y/n tightly. "And I love you too, Y/n. Thank you for understanding."

Together, they embraced the truth and their love grew stronger than ever before. No more secrets stood between them as they faced the future together with honesty and trust.

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