(The owl house) Luz X Reader

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"Rain day"

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"Rain day"

Pov Y/n

"Ugh, I hate rainy days. They always ruin my mood." I say in my girlfriend's house.

"Oh, come on! Rain can be fun too. Let's go outside and embrace it!" Luz smiles.

"Are you serious? I'll get all wet!"

"Exactly! That's the whole point. Trust me, you'll enjoy it."

I reluctantly steps outside with Luz into the pouring rain "Okay, fine. But don't blame me if I catch a cold!"

Luz laughs. "Don't worry, I'll keep you warm."

As we stand in the rain, Luz pulls me into a tight hug.

"Luz, what are you doing? I'm getting soaked!"

Just feel it, Y/n. Let the rain wash away your worries and experience the joy of being in the moment."

I hesitate for a moment, then we start laughing as the water splashes on our faces.

"You know what? This is actually kind of fun!"

"See? I told you so! Sometimes, we just need to let go and embrace the unexpected."

We continue to dance and play in the rain, enjoying each other's company.

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