(Bluey) Bluey X Reader X Bingo

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"We sleep with you"

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"We sleep with you"

Pov Nobody

Y/n sighs. "I really miss home, guys. I'm not used to sleeping in a different place."

"Aw, don't worry, Y/n. We're here with you. We'll make it feel like home." Bluey say.

Bingo say. "Yeah! We'll have our own little sleepover party right here!"

Y/n smiles. "Thanks, guys. That means a lot to me."

Bluey say. "So, what do you usually do before going to bed at home?"

"Well, I always read a bedtime story with my mom."

"Ooh, I love bedtime stories! What's your favorite?" Bingo asks.

"My favorite is 'The Adventures of Super Y/n.' It's about a superhero who saves the day and always returns home."

"That sounds awesome! Let's pretend we're in that story tonight." Bluey say.

"Yes! And let's take turns being the hero."

Bingo say. "I want to be the hero first!"

"Alright, Bingo. You're Super Bingo, ready to save the day!"

"And I'll be the sidekick, Super Bluey!"

Y/n giggles. "And I'll be Super Y/n, the leader of the team!"

They all gather their stuffed toys and create an imaginary city in the bedroom. "Look, there's trouble at the toy store! We need to save the toys!"

"Don't worry, Super Bingo. We'll fly there in our super jet!"

Y/n say holding a toy jet. "Buckles up, team! Off we go!" They zoom around the room, saving stuffed animals and action figures from imaginary villains. "Great job, team! We saved the day once again."

"But now it's time to return home." Bingo say.

"Don't worry, Y/n. We'll always come back to our sleepover party."

Y/n hugs her friends. "Thanks, Bluey and Bingo. You've made this sleepover feel just like home."

They all cuddle up together, feeling safe and loved in their own little adventure.

And so they end the night sleeping together and with Y/n happy to have great friends.

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