(Ghostforce) Andy X Reader

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Pov Y/n

"Girls can't play basketball. It's just not their thing." Andy say.

"Oh really? You think so, huh? Well, I challenge you to a one-on-one game then. Let's see who comes out on top."

"Haha! You're on! Prepare to be embarrassed."

The next day at the basketball court.

"Alright, Andy, let's settle this once and for all. May the best player win!"

"Don't worry, Y/n. I'll go easy on you."

We start playing, and I surprises Andy with my skills.

I say dribbling the ball. "Is that all you've got, Andy?"

Andy was struggling to keep up. "You're pretty good... for a girl."

"Thanks for the compliment. But remember, I'm here to prove you wrong."

As the game progresses, my talent shines through.

"Wow, Y/n! You're amazing! I never expected this."

"Told you so!" I laugh. "Girls can excel in any sport they choose."

"You're absolutely right. I underestimated you, Y/n. You're not just an incredible basketball player; you're an incredible person too."

"Aw, thanks, Andy. That means a lot coming from you."

As we continue playing, Andy starts to develop feelings for me. "Y/n, I have to admit something. I think I'm falling for you."

"Really? But we started off as rivals."

"True, but getting to know you on and off the court made me realize how amazing you are. I can't help but be attracted to your talent and personality."

"Well, Andy, that's quite unexpected. Let's finish this game, and then we can talk more." We finish the game, with me emerging as the winner. "And that's game! Looks like I proved my point, didn't I?"

"Yes, you definitely did. You're incredible, Y/n."

"Thanks, Andy. Now, let's grab some ice cream and continue our conversation."

We walk off the court together, starting a beautiful friendship and possibly something more.

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