(Miraculous) Cat Noir X Reader

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"Stronger together"

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"Stronger together"

Pov Nobody

Cat Noir say sitting at the piano, nervously. "Y/n, I've been practicing this song for weeks. I hope you like it."

"I'm sure it will be amazing, Cat Noir. I can't wait to hear it." Cat Noir starts playing a beautiful melody on the piano. "Wow, Cat Noir! You're so talented. I didn't know you could play the piano so well."

"Well, I wanted to surprise you." He blushes. "This song is for you, Y/n."

Y/n's eyes fill with tears as she feels the emotion behind the music.

"Cat Noir, this is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you."

"You deserve nothing but the best, Y/n. You bring so much joy into my life."

Y/n walks over to Cat Noir and embraces him. "I love you, Cat Noir. You have a way of making me feel special."

"And I love you, Y/n. You inspire me every day."

They share a tender moment together, surrounded by the sweet melody of the piano.

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