(Bunk'd) Emma X Reader

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"As you met her"

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"As you met her"

Pov Y/n

"Ugh, love is so overrated. It only causes heartbreak and disappointment." I say to the girl I'm meeting know.

"Y/n, you've got it all wrong! Love can be beautiful and bring happiness."

"Nah, I've seen too many people get hurt. I'd rather stay away from it."

"Well, let me show you a different perspective. At Camp Kikiwaka, love is all around us."

"Love at a summer camp? Yeah, right. That's just a cheesy cliché."

"Trust me, Y/n. You'll see it's not what you think. There's this couple, Josh and Hazel. They met here and their love story is incredible."

"Fine, I'll hear you out. But don't expect me to suddenly become a hopeless romantic."

"Deal! So, Josh was this adventurous guy who loved exploring the wilderness. Hazel was more reserved but had a heart full of dreams."

"Sounds like an odd match." I say smiling.

"That's what they thought too. But they started spending time together during camp activities and realized they complemented each other perfectly."

"I guess opposites do attract sometimes."

"Exactly! Their friendship blossomed into something more as they encouraged each other to chase their dreams."

"Okay, that's kind of sweet, I admit."

"And here's the best part, they supported each other through thick and thin. When Hazel doubted herself, Josh was always there to remind her how amazing she was."

"I suppose having someone who believes in you can be powerful."

"Absolutely! Love isn't about losing yourself or giving up your independence. It's about finding someone who brings out the best in you."

"Maybe my perspective on love has been too negative all along."

"That's the spirit! Open yourself up to the possibility of love, Y/n. You never know what amazing things it might bring into your life."

"Alright, Emma. I'm willing to give it a try. But no guarantees!"

"Fair enough, Y/n. Just remember, love can be a beautiful adventure if you let it in."

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