Supernatural (Dean Winchester...

By LayceJ25

782K 23.8K 5.1K

(Y/n) (l/n) was trained by her father, who was a well-known monster hunter before he settled for the apple-pi... More

The Woman in White
Never Can Go Home
The Mines
Dead In The Water
A Dark Secret
Phantom Traveler
Fear Of Flying
Bloody Mary
Mirror, Mirror
We're Freaks
Hook Man
St. Barnabas Church
A Biblical Swarm
Ghost From The Past
Dr Ellicott
Sacrifices Must Be Made
Don't Fear The Reaper
Route 666
Cyrus Dorian
Max Miller
The Benders
Human's Are The Best Hunt
Mordechai Murdock
Something Wicked
Would Do Anything For My Little Brother
Dead Man's Blood
Vampire's Nest
Where Is He?
Devil's Trap
Yellow-Eyed Demon
In My Time Of Dying
Lucky Day
Everyone Loves A Clown
They're Monsters
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
What's Dead Should Stay Dead
Simon Said
A Twin?
No Exit
H. H. Holmes
The Usual Suspects
Ashland Supplies
Crossroad Blues
Get Out While You Still Can
Gordon's Return
Houses Of The Holy
God's Will
Born Under A Bad Sign
How Far Can I Push You?
Tall Tales
A Trickster
She's Mine
Hollywood Babylon
One Hell Of A P.A.
Folsom Prison Blues
Prison Break
What Is And What Should Never Be
The Djinn
All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 1
There Can Be Only One
All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 2
We Got Work To Do
The Magnificent Seven
Let's Raise A Little Hell
The Kids Are Alright
Bad Day At Black Rock
I'm Batman!
Sin City
A Human And A Demom Trapped In A Basement
Bedtime Stories
Snow White
Red Sky At Morning
Can't Save Everybody
Fresh Blood
Turbo Charged
A Very Supernatural Christmas
I'm Gonna Fudging Kill Ya!
Malleus Maleficarum
Ruby To The Rescue
Dream A Little Dream Of Me
You Can't Escape Me, Dean
Mystery Spot
The Return Of The Trickster
Jus in Bello
Next Time...We Go With My Plan
Long-Distance Call
Time Is On My Side
See You In Hell
No Rest For The Wicked
Wanted Dead or Alive
Lazarus Rising
Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
Mark of the Witness
In The Beginning
Need Permission
A Rougarou
Monster Movie
Yellow Fever
Eye Of The Tiger
It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
This Is Halloween
Wishful Thinking
Be Careful What You Wish For
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Heaven And Hell
Family Remains
If It's The Last Thing I Do
Criss Angel Is A Douchebag
After School Special
Dirk, The Jerk
Sex And Violence
Death Takes A Holiday
Pamela's Sacrifice
On The Head Of A Pin
I'm Not The Man
It's A Terrible Life
You're A Hunter
The Monster At The End of This Book
The Prophet Chuck
Jump The Shark
They're Ghouls
The Rapture
When The Levee Breaks
You Walk Out, Don't Come Back
Lucifer Rising
He's Coming
Sympathy For The Devil
I Don't Think I Can Trust You
Good God, Y'all
Free To Be You And Me
The End
You Say Yes!
Fallen Idols
Paris Hilton?!
I Believe The Children Are Our Future
The Anti-Christ
The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester
Poker Face
Changing Channels
The Real Ghostbusters
It's What Sam, Dean and (y/n) Would Do
Abandon All Hope...
Hello, Death
Sam, Interrupted
A Wraith
Swap Meat
The Song Remains The Same
I'll See You Soon, Dean
My Bloody Valentine
You're Already Dead
Dead Man Don't Wear Plaid
Death Came For Me
Dark Side Of The Moon
It's Worthless
99 Problems
The Whore Of Babylon
Point Of No Return
Screw Destiny
Hammer Of The Gods
Four Rings From The Horsemen
The Devil You Know
Two Minutes To Midnight
Swan Song
Nothing Really Ends, Does It?

Hell House

6K 177 15
By LayceJ25

*3rd Person POV*

Dean was driving along down the Texas road. He looks over in the back and sees (y/n) asleep in the back then he looks over to the passenger seat and sees Sam sleeping with his mouth open. He feels around then gently places a plastic spoon in Sam's mouth.

Grinning, he flips open his phone and takes a photo, then turns the music up loud. "Fire...of unknown origins...took my baby away!" Dean sings, loudly, as both Sam and (y/n) jerk up. "What the hell?!" (Y/n) shouts, startled, as Sam realizes something was in his mouth, panics and waves his arms as he spits it out.

Dean air drums along to the song on the steering wheel then looks over, grinning as Sam wipes his mouth and turns down the music. "Ha ha, very funny." Sam said and (y/n) groans. "Heh heh heh. Sorry, not a lot of scenery here in East Texas, kinda gotta make your own." Dean said, laughing.

"Man, we're not kids anymore, Dean. We're not going to start that crap up again." Sam growls. "Start what up?" Dean asked, feigning ignorance. "That prank stuff. It's stupid, and it always escalates." Sam said.

"Aw, what's the matter Sammy, scared you're going to get a little Nair in your shampoo again huh?" Dean asked him and Sam looks at him in disbelief. "All right, just remember you started it." Sam said and Dean laughs. "Ah ha, bring it on baldy." Dean said and (y/n) shakes her head.

"Where are we anyway?" She asked, trying to change the subject. "A few hours outside of Richardson. Gimme the lowdown again?" Dean said and Sam pulls up some files and reads through it. "All right, about a month or two ago this group of kids goes poking around in this local haunted house." He said. "Haunted by what?" Dean asked him.

"Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit. Legend goes, it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters." Sam said and (y/n) sighs. "That's comforting." She said, sarcastically. "Anyway this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar." Sam explains.

"Anybody ID the corpse?" (Y/n) asked him. "Well, that's the thing. By the time the cops got there the body was gone. So cops are saying the kids were just yanking chains." He replied. "Maybe the cops are right." Dean said, shrugging. "Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids firsthand accounts. They seemed pretty sincere." Sam said.

"Where'd you read these accounts?" Dean asked and Sam gives an embarrased look. "Well, I knew we were going to be passing through Texas. So, umm, last night, I surfed some local ..." he stops then clears his throat and said, quickly. "...paranormal websites. And I found one."

"And what's it called." (Y/n) asked him. "" Sam replied. "Lemme guess, streaming live out of Mom's basement." Dean said and (y/n) chuckles while Sma grins. "Yeah, probably." He said.

"Yeah. Most of those websites wouldn't know a ghost if it bit 'em in the persqueeter." Dean remarks. "Look. We let Dad take off. Which was a mistake, by the way. And now we don't know where the hell he is, so meantime we gotta find ourselves something to hunt. There's no harm checking this thing out." Sam said to him.

"All right. So where do we find these kids?" (Y/n) asked him, trying not to have the boys start another fight. "Same place you always find kids in a town like this." Sam said as he gives them a knowing look.

It was the scariest thing I ever saw in my life, I swear to God.

From the moment we walked in the walls were painted black.


I think it was blood.

All these freaky symbols.

Crosses and stars and...



Whatever, I had my eyes closed the whole time.

But I can damn sure tell you this much. No matter what anybody else says... 

That poor girl.

With the black...


Red hair, just hanging there.


Without even moving!

She was real.

One hundred percent.

And kinda hot. Well you know in a dead sort of way.

"Ok!" (Y/n) said as she gives the boys a look as they sit across from the three kids at the bar. "And.... how'd you find out about this place anyway?" Sam asked the three kids. "Craig. Craig took us." They said.

*(y/n)'s POV*

We entered the music store when the guy behind the counter looks up at us. "Fellas and lady. Can I help you with anything?" He asked us. "Yeah, are you Craig Thurston?" Sam asked him. "I am." Craig said.

"Well we're reporters with the Dallas Morning News. I'm Dean, this is Sam and (y/n)." Dean introduced and Craig smiles as he looked excited. "No way. Well I'm writer too. I write for my school's lit magazine." He said as he walks over to us. "Well, good for you Morrissey." I said and Dean chuckles a bit.

"Umm. We're doing an article on local hauntings and rumor has it you might know of one." Sam said to Craig. "You mean the Hell House?" Craig asked and Sam and I nod. "That's the one." Dean said.

"I didn't think there was anything to the story." Craig said. "Why don't you tell us the story." I said, giving him a smile. He looks at me then smiles and starts to look between the three of us. "Well, supposedly back in the '30s this farmer, Mordachai Murdoch, used to live in this house with his six daughters. It was during the Depression, his crops were failing, he didn't have enough money to feed his own children. So I guess that's when he went off the deep end." He said.

"How?" Sam asked him. "Well, he figured it was best if his girls died quick, rather than starve to death. So he attacked them. They screamed, begged for him to stop but he just strung 'em up, one after the other. And when he was all finished he just turned around and hung himself. Now they say that his spirit is trapped in the house forever, stringing up any other girl that goes inside." Craig explains.

"Where'd you hear all this?" Dean asked him. "My cousin Dana told me. I don't know where she heard it from. Ya gotta realize, I -- I didn't believe this for a second." Craig said. "But now you do." I said and he gives us a nervous look. "I don't know what the hell to think, man. You guys, I--I'll tell you exactly what I told the police, ok? That girl was real. And she was dead. This was not a prank. I swear to God, I don't wanna go anywhere near that house ever again, ok?" He said as he looks around. "Thanks." Dean said and we start to head out.

"Can't say I blame the kid." Sam said as we walk up the muddy path to the old decrypted house. "Yeah, so much for curb appeal." Dean said and we start to look around the house, Dean was holding the EMF which started to make noises.

"You got something?" I asked him as he taps the little device. "Ye-ah. The EMFs no good." He said. "Why?" Sam asked then Dean gestures to the overhead power lines. "I think that thing's still got a little juice in it. It's screwing with all the readings." He explains and I nod. "Yeah that'd do it." I said. "Yeah. Come on, let's go." Dean said to us and we start to head inside and look around.

We looked around to see some crosses and some weird symbols that were painted on the wall, either with paint or with blood I'm not for sure. "Looks like old man Murdock was a bit of a tagger here in his time." Dean said after he let's out a whistle.

"And after his time too. That reverse cross has been used by Satanists for centuries but this sigil of sulfur didn't show up in San Franciso until the '60s." Sam said as he points at the symbol. "That is exactly why you never get laid." Dean said and I walk up to a wall with a symbol that has caught my eye. 

It is a cross with a dot in the middle. The bottom stroke looks like an upside-down question mark. I raise an eyebrow as for some reason this symbol looked familiar. "Hey what about this one, you guys seen this one before?" I asked them and they come up to me to look.

"No." Sam said.

"I have. Somewhere." Dean said and I nod. "Me too. I just don't remember where." I said while Sam reaches out towards the symbol and starts to rub it. "It's paint. Seems pretty fresh too." Sam said as he pulls his hand back to his side. "I don't know, guys. You know I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind, but...the cops may be right about this one." Dean said. "Yeah, maybe." Sam and I said.

But then suddenly a noise from a different part of the house alerts us. We go over to a door and the boys take up  positions on either side of a door while I stood in front of it. Dean nods and we bust through only to have bright lights shine in our eyes. 

"Oh, cut. It's just three humans." A male voice said and the light turns off and we could see two guys standing before us. One guy was holding a small electrical gadget, the other a camera which he switches off. 

"What are you guys doing here?" The first guy, who had curly light brown hair and wearing glasses, asked us. "What they hell are you doing here?" Dean asked them. "Ah-ha-ha. We belong here, we're professionals?" The first guy asked us.

"Professional what?" I asked them, confused. "Paranormal Investigators." The guy said and be hands us business cards. "There you go, take a look at that." He said and we look at their card.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Dean said, exasperated, as I shake my head and Sam looks up at them. "Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spengler?" Sam said, questioning, and the men smile and nod. "What, no Stantz or Venkman?" I asked and they glare at me and I smile.

"You guys run that website." Sam said.

"Yeah." Ed said, smiling.

"Oh yeah, yeah, we're huge fans." Dean replied.

"And ahh, we know who you guys are too." Ed said and the boys and look at him, sharply. "Oh yeah?" I asked. "Amateurs." Ed said and I scoff and immediately lose interest and it seemed Dean was too.

"Looking for ghosts and cheap thrills." Ed said. "Yep. So if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here." Harry said to us. "Yeah, what have you got so far?" I asked them
"Harry, why doncha tell 'em about EMF?" Ed said as he turns to Harry. "Well..." Harry started to say until Sam speaks up. "EMF?" He asked, pretending to be dumb.

"Electromagnetic field? Spectral entities can cause energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here." Harry explains as Sam turns to me and Dean and we smirk at him.

"Whoa. Whoa. It's 2.8mg." Harry said as his EMF starts to make noises. "2.8. It's hot in here." Ed said and I whistle in admiration. "Wow." Sam mutters. "Huh. So you guys ever really seen a ghost before, or..." Dean started to say but Ed answers, quickly.

"Once. We were, uh...we were investigating this old house and we saw a vase fall right off the table..." he said. "By itself." Harry adds. "Well, we, we we we didn't actually see it, we heard it. And something like changes you." Ed said, quickly. "Yeah. I think I get the picture." Dean said then he turns to me and Sam.

"We should go, let them get back to work." He said. "Yeah, you should." Ed said to us. "Sam. (Y/n)." Dean said and we began to leave. "Yeah, work." Harry said and I shake my head as we leave the building.

The next day, Sam and I exit the library and come down the stairs as Dean approaches us. "Hey." We greet. "Hey. What you got?" Dean asked. "Well we couldn't find a Mordechai but Sam did find a Martin Murdock who lived in that house in the '30s. He did have children but only two of them, both boys, and there's no evidence he ever killed anyone." I explained.

"Huh." Dean said, intrigued. "What about you?" Sam asked him as we reach the Impala. "Well those kids didn't really give us a clear description of that dead girl but I did hit up the police station. No matching missing persons. It's like she never existed." Dean said and Sam and I sigh in annoyance.

"Guys, come on, we did our digging, this one's a bust all right. For all we know those HellHound boys made up the whole thing." Dean said. "Yeah all right." Sam said, defeated, while I nod. "I say we find ourself a bar and some beers and leave the legend to the locals." Dean said as he gets into the car.

Sam and I share a look and bite back a smile as we lean down to look through the window. Dean turns the key in the ignition and Latino pop-dance music blasts from the speakers. Then Dean tries to turn it off but the wipers turn on, making him rear back. 

"WHOA! What the..." he exclaims and he quickly reaches to turn everything off. Sam and I get in the car, laughing at him. Sam then licks his finger and marks an imaginary '1' in the air then points to himself.

"That's all you got? Weak. That is bush league." Dean said, giving Sam a dirty look. Then he looks over at me. "Did you help do this?" He asked me and I raised my hands and shook my head. "Nope, this was all Sam. I'm not gonna be dragged into your sibling prank war. This is all on you guys. I'm just gonna sit back and watch the chaos." I said, smiling.

Dean glares at me and I give him and innocent look before he turns around and starts the car again then we drive off.

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