A Knot ✔

By Dharani17

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Highest Ranking - 1st in RagLak on 13th November 2020 1st in RagYa on 10th June 2020 A Tale of Two People INT... More

~70~ (Last)


319 31 7
By Dharani17

Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 14.05.2022


Author's POV

"Thank You for taking out time for us sir!" The interviewer who just came to Maheshwari office greeted Laksh and thanked him.

Laksh smiled nodding.

"I think you need to set these things and all. Rishan will guide you to the place. Ragini is on the way. Just ten minutes." Laksh informed them.

The interviewer and his team smiled nodding. They followed Rishan while Laksh got back to his work.

"Laksh did you get my pastry or not?" Ragini asked as soon as she entered his cabin.

He looked above smiling at her demand and pointed at the table near the couch. Ragini just sat there and started eating like a kid. Laksh kept staring her by balancing his elbow on the table and putting his chin on his palm as she continued her eating.

"I just realised that I should make myself ready to manage three kids." Laksh spoke.

Ragini stopped eating and looked at him.

"I have understood that I had to manage three kids since the moment I got to know that I am carrying twins Mr. Maheshwari." Ragini said twisting her lips.

Laksh chuckled. He got up from his place and moved to her. He took a tissue paper and started wiping off her face.

"I didn't finish my eating." She pouted.

He chuckled and signed her to finish it. She grinned and had her pastry happily. Once she finished eating she turned to him looking at him cutely indicating him to wipe her face. He smiles at her and wipes her face. Once done with wiping her face he cups her face and kisses her forehead lovingly.

"I Love You!" she says smiling before he could speak.

He smiles and whispers 'I Love You too!' back to her.

"Shall we go?" He asked her.

She nodded. They both went towards the area where the interviewer and the team are waiting for both of them to show up.

"Sorry guys you had to wait!" Laksh said as they entered inside.

"That's okay sir." The interviewer replied smiling.

"So let's start!" Laksh said smiling as Ragini and he got settled on the couch that was arranged for them.

"Ready sir?" the interviewer asked as they were about to roll camera.

Laksh showed his thumbs up while Ragini held his hand.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to 'Young Achievers' programme only on your favourite channel XXX. Today we have a special couple on our show. Both of them have achieved a lot in the very young age. One is the person who has received 'Young Achievers Award in Business' for continuous two years while the other has just received 'Young Achievers Award in Singing'. They are none other than our adorable and cute couple Laksh Maheshwari and Ragini Laksh Maheshwari." The interviewer starts the show announcing the guests for the day.

Camera turns towards RagLak.

"Hello Laksh sir and Ragini ma'am." The interviewer says hello to them.

"Hello!" Both RagLak say smiling at him.

"How are you sir and ma'am?" He asked smiling.

"We are absolutely good. Thank You! How are you?" Laksh asked.

"I am also absolutely good sir. Thank You!" He spoke smiling.

RagLak smiled.

"Sir, Ma'am so basically we have three types of questions in this interview. The first two types would have four questions each while the third one is like a game which would have five questions. Short and Sweet! The first one would be completely about your professional life. So are you ready?" The interviewer asked.

RagLak smiled and nodded.

"First question to ma'am. As always Ladies are first!" The interviewer said making both RagLak chuckle.

"Ma'am how did your first ever song happen?" The interviewer asked.

"Well I actually participated in this particular competition through my Music academy. My first ever music director has come as a special guest to that competition. Mahadev's blessings has made me to impress him and he contacted me through my academy. Thus my first ever song happened!" Ragini spoke smiling.

Laksh is staring her smiling all the time she spoke.

"Excellent! That's really amazing ma'am. So sir the next question is for you." Interviewer said making Laksh look at him.

"So sir The Maheshwari Company has been growing day by day. I know it's hard work which pays off. But there would be something in particular which you would think is the reason for the growth of the business. What would it be if you have to state one?" The interviewer asked.

"Undoubtedly I would say all my staff's hard work. Everybody in the sense everybody give their best. I think The Maheshwari Company has the best staff. I think a company can get such staff only if the company treats them well. Because we always say give respect and take respect. Trust me this is something we always make sure that each and every employee regardless their designation get the respect. Always respect your staff. Your company needs them as much as they need a job in your company. It is the need from both the sides." Laksh said.

The people around clapped hearing him while Laksh just smiled. Ragini smiled proudly at her husband.

"That's really amazing sir. Ma'am the next question is for you. Who is the one you would say has been the reason for you to grow in singing?"

"I would undoubtedly give that credit to my parents. They were the first people who had recognised my talent and interest in singing when I was young. They without any second thought had started getting me trained in singing. That day if they hadn't recognised my interest I wouldn't have been here. I will be forever grateful for this to my ma and papa." Ragini said smiling.

"That's amazing ma'am. Sir the next question is for you. How do you cope up with the losses? I mean you have had few lose of contracts continuously during this year if I am not wrong. So tell us how do you cope up them?" The interviewer asked.

"I don't want to lie. I was very low for days. It was my father, my mother and my Wife who had stood beside me to help me to cope with them. Three of them had hard time to get me out of that zone. I would also specially mention one of my best friends Ronak who also works for Maheshwari companies. He is one of those who had always been my strength." Laksh said.

Ragini kept her head on his shoulder smiling remembering those days where he was very low.

"That's so sweet of your family and friend sir. Ma'am next question is for you? So you have recently received the 'Young Achievers Award in Singing'. How are you feeling?" The interviewer asked.

"Well it's really a proud moment for me. I was very happy and excited because it wasn't something you receive like in a short span of time you have entered into the industry. I felt very much blessed. All thanks to the people who are loving me and my voice." Ragini spoke smiling.

Laksh smiled.

"Beautiful! Sir the next question is for you." The interviewer spoke.

Laksh nodded.

"Sir you had been the winner of the 'Young Achiever in Business' for two years continuously. But this year you couldn't make it. How did you feel when you made it? And how did you feel when you couldn't make it?" the interviewer asked.

"Umm... Trust me I wasn't happy when I won for the first time due to many reasons. But when I won it for the second time I was very happy since I have seen my father, my mother, my wife and my entire family feeling proud of me. It was very great feeling. And regarding not making this year... I wasn't upset either for this. Because I know what I am. And it was good that it was Shivam who won it. He is younger than me." Laksh chuckled at the end making Ragini also chuckle while the interviewer smiled.

"So yes he is younger than me and also deserves it every bit. I have seen him working hard from very near. He is Ragini's best friend and my good friend. Friend's success and happiness should make you happy right. So I am happy both the times." Laksh spoke.

The interviewer smiled. Ragini has been all the time smiling.

"So the next question ma'am. It's been like one year you have been singing now. Did you ever thought you would come into the industry as a singer?" The interviewer asked.

"One word answer. Never!" Ragini said chuckling.

Laksh chuckled along with her. Interviewer followed their chuckle.

"Sir Did you ever thought of having your own business or to take up a job instead of joining your father's business." Interviewer asked.

Laksh smiled remembering how Prit asked him the same question on his first day and also how he felt that this was the only question that he used to feel interesting.

"I have answered this question like almost in every interview. And my answer would be the same. My father's hard work involves in this company. It makes me proud if my hard work helps it in growing even more and more. So I just joined directly and learnt many things from my father. Nobody can be best teachers than your parents." Laksh spoke.

"Such an inspirational words sir. And this ends the professional type of questions. Let's go to next type of questions and they are personal questions. I assure you they wouldn't be too personal." Interviewer spoke.

RagLak nodded smiling.

"First question to both of you. What was your first impression when you met for the first time?" Interviewer asked.

"Cute!" Both of them said at a time and looked at each other immediately.

Both of them chuckled remembering their first day moments.

"Would you like to share anything from that day?" The interviewer asked excited.

"Well basically it was like I was made felt like a principal and She was a student getting tensed for the punishment the principal was about to give." Laksh said laughing.

Ragini laughed remembering that day.

"Sir would it be fine if I ask you to be clear. I am more excited now after seeing both of you laughing." Interviewer said.

"I was very much nervous. And he was trying his best to make me feel good. It was just the joke he made which we memorised and laughed." Ragini said smiling.

Interviewer smiled understanding that they don't want to explain the incident clearly. Respecting their privacy he moved to next question.

"Let's go to next question then. Who says sorry first when you fight? And how much time did your longest fight last?" He asked.

"Our fights last for like less than a day. We sort everything before we go to sleep. And about sorry both of us never think twice to say sorry if we know that the mistake is ours. Most of our fights happen due to the work frustration and majority happens from my side. She is very patient." Laksh spoke.

Ragini nodded smiling.

"What would you do if you get to know that your partner is faking his/her anger and all he/she wants is your attention?" The interviewer asked.

"I would just sing for him. That's enough he will forget that he is actually faking his anger." Ragini said smiling.

Laksh smiled at her.

"I would just lift her in my arms and twirl her or just tickle her. That's enough she will be back to my Wifey mode!" Laksh said.

Ragini smiled at him.

"That's so cute from both the ends. Last question for this personal questions. So you are expecting your first kid in few months. Whom do you think would be coming? A boy or a girl?" He asked smiling.

"We want it to be both. It's twins! Anyway whoever comes they would be receiving the same kind of love from us." Ragini said smiling.

Laksh smiled nodding.

"Oh that's really an amazing news ma'am. Very congratulations to you both." Interviewer wished them.

"Thank You!" RagLak said at a time smiling.

"Let's move on to next. It's a small game sir. Like say a comparability test. You both will be given five que cards. You will have five either 'This or That' questions or any question you should answer in one word. All you need to do is tick the word which your partner would prefer to or write the word which your partner would like to. So are you ready?" Interviewer explained.

"Yes!" RagLak said excited as they liked the game.

Interviewer passed them que cards and pen to them. RagLak did their work and passed the cards to the interviewer.

"So sir first let's look at Ma'am's answers. I will ask you the question which we had given for ma'am. You had to answer it then I would say whether ma'am's answer and your answer matched or not." Interviewer said.

"No doubt everything will be right." Laksh spoke.

Interviewer smiled.

"Good Husband or Good Son?" Interviewer said.

"Woah! Very tough. Hmm... Both!" Laksh said.

"That's so right. This is against the rules of the game but I will take this into consideration. Ma'am has ticked both of them. In that case I think you also should have ticked both for ma'am's 'Good daughter or Good wife?' question. Isn't it?" Interviewer asked.

RagLak looked at each other smiling and Laksh nodded yes. Interviewer smiled.

"Next one! Sweet or Spicy?" Interviewer asked.

"Sweet!" Laksh said immediately.

Ragini smiled.

"Two points ma'am!" Interviewer said clapping.

Ragini smiled.

"Mountains or Beaches?" Interviewer asked.

"Mountains!" Laksh said.

"Correct! Three points ma'am." Interviewer said.

"Coffee or Tea?" Interviewer asked.

"Tea!" Laksh said.

"Four points. Ma'am you know sir very well. I don't have a doubt that the score would be five out of five. Let's see the last one. Sir what would you prefer ma'am in Saree or Salwar?" Interviewer asked.

"It's not my preference that should matter. It was always her comfort. She is most comfortable in Saree and trust me I would no doubt prefer her in Saree only. So it's Saree!" Laksh said smiling.

Ragini smiled proud at her husband.

"Perfect! Five out of Five for Ma'am. Congratulations ma'am." Interviewer said.

"Thank You!" Ragini said smiling.

"Let's see yours sir. Since we have revealed the first one 'Good daughter or Good wife?' earlier only let's go to next one. Same one this also 'Sweet or Spice?'" Interviewer asked.

"Spice!" Ragini said.

"Two points! 'Mountains or Beaches?'" he asked.

"Mountains!" Ragini said.

"Three points sir. Tough competition! Fourth one. What would you prefer to have as a desert ma'am? Ice cream or any Sweet?" Interviewer asked.

"Well I love ice creams. Since I had to take care of my throat and voice I compromise with sweets or more preferably chocolates!" Ragini said.

"Trust me ma'am sir has written the same thing here. That's really amazing! You both really understand and know each other so well." Interviewer said amazed of their understanding.

RagLak smiled.

"Last one ma'am. So we hadn't made this question as this or that for you. We got to know that you also play music instruments. So we want to know which is your favourite or which one you are very much fond off?" Interviewer asked.

"Well I know playing Violin, guitar and Veena. But if I had to choose one I would prefer Violin. It's my favourite. I don't know whenever I see a violin I can feel myself getting excited to play." Ragini said.

"Five out of Five for you also sir. Sir has written Violin. You both are very understanding perfectly compatible. Well I want to say that you both look really very cute together. It was really fun having you both today here. Hope you have the best future ahead. Hope you become great parents. Thank You so much for taking time for this. It was amazing time. Thank You sir. Thank You ma'am." Interviewer said.

"We both enjoyed it too. Thank you for having us." Laksh spoke.

"Thank You!" Ragini said.

The interviewer spoke the conclusion of the interview and cut the camera. Laksh send them off and they all left.

"I am hungry!" Ragini pouted as soon as everybody left and they both are in Laksh's cabin.

Laksh smiles. He forwards his hand to her and she immediately puts her hand on his. He holds it protectively and takes her out of the office to have their food before going home.

Author's POV ends.


Thank You for reading.

With Love.

Dharani (Dhaరणि)

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