𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓵𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵

By Novelist_Susanna

22.9K 2.1K 1.8K

Qi Bai Cao, the "Queen Of Yuan Wu Dao" trying to hide her sadness and pain from her friends. She got what she... More

Meet The Leads
A new start
Surprised or shocked?
Unknown Person
PUZZLE, which needs to be solved
Wanna know you
Millions of Questions
Ting hao is back
Puzzle is solved
Just Wanted To Save You
Place for someone special
One condition
Confess to convince
Happiness in the air
A Surprise for Ting Yi
Someone is coming back
Welcome back "Senior"
Just Friends
Real Owners
Where is Bai Cao?
Problems, with no end
Too many questions ❓
Tracked Bai Cao
A lesson from Bai Cao
Back in Senses
The Reason
Emotional Out Burst
True Meaning
Losing Hopes?
New Friends 👏
"Family" A Hidden Truth
Memories(Part 1)
Memories (Part 2)
Pillow Fight
Have to choose
Past is in the past
Yi Feng 'A Suspicious Man'?
Running from feelings?
Ting Yi's Failed Plan
Unheard Expression
Great Love of Great Lovers
Truth came out because of Allergy?
True Truth
One more truth came out?
Unheard condition (Accepted)
No Sorry, No Thank You
Mission "Ting Yi's Birthday"
Chang An's Gift to Ting Yi
Chang An's haunted memory
Plan in action
Ting Yi's Birthday Celebration
Ting Yi's Birthday Celebration(part 2)
Funny Misunderstanding
No Objection
Appeal of a chance
Scared of Happy Memorise
Trying something new
Permission Granted
Knowing each other
Have to break your leg?
Getting used to each other
Last Day of the Week
Plan failed
Fei Yu's heartbreaking proposal
Mission Xiao Ying & Yi Feng Together Accomplished
Ruo Bai is Back
Ruo Bai was dead but was not dead
Ruo Bai has changed!
Importance of Bai Cao to Chang An
Bloomed in Moonlight
Peaceful smile
Tired of being his slave.
Scared for each other
Need of closure
The Journey towards the US - Started.
Yi Feng's Bitter Past
Unworthy but still, Worthy
Benefits of Bodyguards
Truth & Dare.
Truth & Dare (Part 2)
Chang An's past
Bai Cao's nightmare
Long Drive
Long Drive (Part 2)
Ting Hao and Bai Cao's Child.


150 20 19
By Novelist_Susanna

Chang An - Was my dad killed because he was honest?

Elder Chen - I don't know.

Chang An - But I want to know.

Girl - I can help you with that.

They all turned back after hearing the voice.

Chang An - Yin Xiu!

Yin Xiu - Hi, guys.

Bai Cao went near Ting Hao and stood beside him.

Ting Hao - What the hell are you doing here, Yin Xiu!?

Yin Xiu - I am here because I want to help you guys.

Chang An - I will call you later, Elder Chen.

Elder Chen - Okay.

Then Chang An disconnects the call.

Chang An - What do you want?

Yin Xiu - I want to help you guys.

Then Bai Cao started taking steps towards Yin Xiu and stood in front of her.

Bai Cao - And why would you help us?

Yin Xiu - Because I want to know the truth.

Ting Yi started taking steps towards Yin Xiu and stood in front of her on the right side of Bai Cao.

Ting Yi - What truth?

Yin Xiu - Truth about my parents.

Xiao Ying took steps towards Yin Xiu and stood in front of her on the left of Bai Cao.

Xiao Ying - Why suddenly?

Yin Xiu - Because...

Ting Yi - Because?

Then all the three girls started moving towards Yin Xiu and Yin Xiu started taking her steps back.

Yin Xiu - Because...

Xiao Ying - Because?

Yin Xiu - Because...

Bai Cao - Are you going to say because until we take you out of our house?

Yin Xiu - You guys are not letting me say anything after that.

Xiao Ying - Well I have an idea.

Bai Cao - What is it?

Xiao Ying - Don't say because. Just say the word after it.

Ting Yi - Well, that is a nice idea.

Yin Xiu - Okay, I will do it, but stop doing this. Let's just stand and talk rather than walking.

Bai Cao - Sure.

Ting Yi - Why not.

Xiao Ying - Yeah, we can sit and talk too.

Scene changed.

Everyone was sitting on the sofa including Yin Xiu.

Ting Yi - Yin Xiu, are you going to tell us the reason today itself or you are planning to stay here?

Yin Xiu - It's nothing like that.

Xiao Ying - It's good that it's nothing like that.

Bai Cao - Say it, Yin Xiu because the more time you spend thinking about what you want to say, the more we'll be suspicious of you. So, you better say it.

Yin Xiu - Okay. I want to know about my parents because I see dreams.

Chang An - What dreams?

Yin Xiu - I am not sure what it is. But maybe... it is about my childhood.

Ting Yi - What do you see?

Yin Xiu - A girl was with her mother. That girl's face is not visible but her mom's face is visible. They both were in a park having a good time with each other. That girl was really young. She leaves he mom's hand and starts running ahead. Her mom was walking peacefully behind her. Then suddenly, there was a gunshot sound. That girl was shocked after hearing that sound. She turns to her back and sees her mom lying down. Blood was coming out of her mom's head. That girl was about to run towards her mom but before she could, someone grabbed her from her back and puts his hand on her face. There was a mirror, because of which I saw that girl's face.

Bai Cao - And it was you, right?

Yin Xiu - Yeah.

Chang An - Since when?

Yin Xiu - Since few months.

Ting Hao - Is there any reason that you started seeing these dreams? I mean, did you saw something or like that?

Yin Xiu - A few months ago, while practising, I fell and hit my head on a dumbbell. I fainted at that time. I was taken to a hospital. When I was in the hospital, I saw this dream. That was the first time I saw this dream. Since after that I see this dream every day.

Ting Yi - Why should we trust you?

Yin Xiu - I know you guys have no reason to believe me but you guys have a lot of reasons to not believe me. And I am not even going to deny that. But it's you all's choice to believe me or not. I am not going to justify myself or any of my deeds, because K did what I felt was right, but unfortunately, it turned out to be wrong.

Chang An - Okay. Now I think you should go back to Feng Yun Hall, Yin Xiu. We will talk about this later.

Yin Xiu - Yeah.

Then Yin Xiu stood up and at that time, Ting Yi stood up too.

Ting Yi - Come on, Yin Xiu, I will throw you out, oh, sorry. I will drop you out.

Yin Xiu - No, it's okay. I will go myself. You don't have to be nice to me.

Ting Yi - You think I am being nice to you! Really!

Yin Xiu looked confused.

Ting Yi - I am not being nice to you. I coming with you because I have to lock the door or else uninvited people like you will keep on coming into our house. Do you understand? Stop dreaming, Yin Xiu. I can never be nice to you. Not even in your dreams

Ting Hao - And if whatever you said is a lie then I will show you my worst side and I am very sure that you don't want to see that.

Chang An - And you already know my worst side, Yin Xiu. I am sure that you don't want to see that either.

Bai Cao - In fact, each of us has a bad side, Yin Xiu, and I'm pretty sure that you don't want to see any of them.

Xiao Ying - I agree with Bai Cao.

Yin Xiu - Don't worry. And thank you for the warning.

Ting Yi - You are most welcome.

Xiao Ying - But not in our house.

Fei Yu - Yeah.

Yi Feng - Actually, the thing is that we don't like uninvited people at our house.

Xiao Ying - Absolutely.

Yin Xiu - Okay, I will take your leave now. See you guys tomorrow in Feng Yun Hall.

Then Yin Xiu went out of the house and Ting Yi locked the door.

Chang An - What do you all think? Should we trust Yin Xiu or not?

Ting Yi - I think she is lying.

Xiao Ying - I also think that she is lying.

Yi Feng - Same here.

Fei Yu - I also think the same.

Bai Cao was not saying a word. Ting Hao also said no word, he just kept looking at Bai Cao, waiting for her to tell everyone what she thinks.

Chang An - Bai Cao, what do you think?

Bai Cao - Maybe she is lying or maybe she is not.

Ting Yi - What! Don't tell me, Bai Cao, that you believe in what she just said. Do you?

Bai Cao - I don't believe her but maybe she is saying the truth.

Xiao Ying - Bai Cao, you know that Yin Xiu is not a trustworthy person.

Bai Cao - I know.

Fei Yu - Then why do you think that maybe she is not lying?

Bai Cao - Okay, I understand what you guys are thinking.

Xiao Ying - No you don't, Bai Cao.

Ting Yi - Bai Cao, we all know that you have a soft heart...

Before Ting Yi could finish saying, Bai Cao interrupted in between.

Bai Cao - I am not saying this because I am soft-hearted. I just don't want her to become bad.

Xiao Ying - She is already bad.

Bai Cao - I know she is bad, but she is still not the worst.

Chang An - Really, Bai Cao!

Bai Cao - Okay, I accept that she is the worst.

Ting Hao - Bai Cao, you know that Feng Yun Hall is planning and plotting against you, right?

Bai Cao - I know that, Senior Ting Hao.

Ting Hao - If you know that then why do you think that maybe she not lying? Maybe she is doing and saying all that because she wants to know your weakness. And if she will get to know anything... I mean anything, then she will use it against us.

Ting Yi - And this is what Feng Hall is doing. Planning against us.

Bai Cao - I know that guys. I know that she wants to know my weakness because she wants to defeat me. But I am not saying you guys to trust her.

Chang An - Then what are you saying?

Bai Cao - Okay, let me put it like this, let's make her think that we trust her but in reality, we don't trust her. But if we won't make her think that we trust her and she is in our team, then she will plan something different. And we will never be able to know about it. But if we will make her think that she is in our team and we all trust her, she will plan according to what we have planned. We will tell her all our plans and if she does something and our plan fails, we will use our backup plan which we will never tell her. And if she is planning against any of us, then coach is there. He will get to know whatever she is planning because he can read people's minds. But if... I am saying if she is saying the truth, we will get to know about it and we can help her by letting her know about the truth of her parents. Does everyone understand what I am saying?

Ting Hao - I think... Bai Cao is right. We should do this.

Chang An - I think the same.

Ting Yi - Same here.

Xiao Ying - I don't really think the same.

Ting Yi - What do you mean?

Xiao Ying - I am actually thinking why no one else thought what Bai Cao thought?

Yi Feng - It is because we were taking decisions according to our feeling and hatred towards Yin Xiu but Bai Cao, she used her brain.

Chang An - Right.

Ting Hao - I guess... our little grass has grown up.

Everyone starts laughing.

At night.

Bai Cao, Ting Yi and Xiao Ying were cooking.

Ting Hao was doing some work on his laptop.

Yi Feng and Fei Yu were watching TV.

Chang An was walking around inside the house, thinking about his father.

Then suddenly, the doorbell ranged.

Ting Yi - Did Yin Xiu came back?

Chang An - I don't think so.

Xiao Ying - Then who is it?

Yi Feng - How will we get to know about it without seeing it?

Ting Hao and Bai Cao looked at each other and smiled.

Ting Hao - Well...

Ting Hao & Bai Cao - We know who it is.

Ting Yi - Why do you guys know everything?

Xiao Ying - I was going to ask the same question.

Again the doorbell ranged.

Ting Hao - We will tell you guys everything after I open the door. But at that time, you will be staying here. Yi Feng, pass me my phone.

Yi Feng gives Ting Hao his phone.

Ting Hao - Thanks.

Then he went towards the door.

Ting Yi - I am going behind him.

Bai Cao - Ting Yi, why are you so impatient?

Ting Yi - I am not impatient. I just want to know what it is.

Chang An - And I guess that is what is called being impatient.

Ting Yi - Fine. I am not going. And I am not cooking too.

Then Ting Yi went and sat on the sofa.

On the other side.

Ting Hao - I will do online payment.

Person - Okay.

Then Ting Hao takes his phone out and scans the QR code that person showed.

Person - It's done. Thank you.

Ting Hao - Please keep it in the garden.

Person - Yeah, sure.

Then Ting Hao closes the door and went back inside.

As Ting Yi sees Ting Hao, she stood up and went towards Ting Hao.

Ting Yi - Who was it? Did you order something?  What was it? Why is your hand empty?

Ting Hao - Ting Yi, stop being so impatient. Have some patience

Ting Yi - I am...

Before Ting Yi could finish, Ting Hao interrupted in between.

Ting Hao - I know you are not being impatient you just want to know it right now.

Ting Yi - Okay, I have patience. I have patience. I have so much patience that I am feeling like to make you a patient.

Ting Hao - Ting Yi, you are cute!

Ting Yi - Brother!

Ting Hao - Okay. I will tell you all what it is but for that, you all have to come to the garden.

Ting Yi - Okay. I will go first.

Xiao Ying - I will go second.

After saying that, both of them started running towards the garden.

As they reached out in the garden, they saw seven cycles parked. All in a different colour. Totally customized. 

Ting Yi & Xiao Ying - Wow!

Ting Hao - Did you both like it?

Xiao Ying - I love it.

Ting Yi - I love it too.

Ting Hao - What about you guys?

Yi Feng - I don't really have words to express what I am feeling right now.

Fei Yu - Same here.

Then both Yi Feng and Fei Yu went near the cycles.

Chang An walked towards Ting Hao, keeps his hand on Ting Hao's shoulder.

Chang An - I guess... Bai Cao is not the only one who has grown up.

Both Chang An and Ting Hao looked at each other. First, they glared at each other, then smiled. Then Chang An went from there and Bai Cao went near Ting Hao.

Both of them were looking at everyone from a distance.

Bai Cao - When did you think of customizing the cycles?

Ting Hao - I just got an idea. I am not sure whether I have chosen the same as they will like.

Bai Cao - So you customized these in the way they will like!

Ting Hao - Yeah.

Bai Cao - Well, can you please which one is for whom?

Ting Hao - Well, the one which looks like it is made up of wood is for Chang An because he loves to make wooden sculptures. Then, the one on which there are many spaceships is for Yi Feng because he loves to play video games. And there is another very similar to it for Fei Yu because he also loves to play video games. And the one which has a lot of colours, that is for Xiao Ying because she loves colour and we can even guess that at looking at her clothing. And the one which looks like a strawberry is for Ting Yi because she loves strawberries since childhood.

Then suddenly, Ting Yi shouted.

Ting Yi - Brother, which one is for whom?

Bai Cao - Take the one you guys like.

Xiao Ying - Really!

Bai Cao - Yeah.

Everyone picked the cycles which were made for them.

Ting Hao - Did everyone heard what I said?

Bai Cao - Senior Ting Hao, no one heard what you said. Even I could barely hear what you said.

Ting Hao - Really!

Bai Cao - Yeah. You know everyone more than you think.

Ting Hao - Yeah, I think the same now.

Bai Cao - Well, which one is mine?

Ting Hao - Pick it up yourself.

Then Bai Cao and Ting Hao also walked towards the cycles. Bai Cao was looking at both the cycles. And picked one which had stars and moon drawn in it.

Bai Cao - Is this the one you chose for me?

Ting Hao - Yeah.

Bai Cao - Our cycles are really similar.

Ting Hao - I know. It's because I customized it according to our last conversation.

Bai Cao - Oh! It's really nice.

Ting Yi - Let's go out.

Chang An - Not now, it's too late. We will go out tomorrow.

Ting Yi - Okay. So, let's eat.

Bai Cao - For that, we have to cook, Ting Yi.

Ting Yi - Yeah.

Then they all went inside. Girls started cooking. Chang An also went there to help them. Yi Feng and Fei Yu were watching TV and Ting Hao was working on his laptop.

After thirty minutes -

Bai Cao - Ting Yi, tell them that the food is ready.

Ting Yi(shouted) - Food is finally ready.

Chang An - Ting Yi, Bai Cao asked you to tell them not to the neighbours.

Xiao Ying - Yeah, you almost broke my eardrum.

Bai Cao - Please inform us before doing anything like that in future.

Ting Yi - You guys are irritating.

Ting Yi stumps her foot on the ground and went towards the dining table.

Bai Cao and Xiao Ying brought the food and kept it on the table.

Chang An - Guys, are you coming or not?

Yi Feng, Fei Yu & Ting Hao - We are coming.

Then Yi Feng shuts off the TV, Ting Hao also shuts down his laptop and they all went towards the dining table and started eating.

Yi Feng - It's really delicious.

Everyone - Yeah, it is.

After thirty minutes

Everyone finished eating their food. Yi Feng and Fei Yu washed the dishes.

Yi Feng - I am going to sleep.

Xiao Ying - I am going to sleep too.

Fei Yu - I am going too.

Then Xiao Ying, Yi Feng and Fei Yu went to their respective rooms

Chang An - Let's all go to sleep.

Ting Yi - Yeah, you are right.

Ting Hao - You guys go to sleep, I have some work to do. I will finish it and then I will go to sleep.

Chang An - Ting Hao, go to sleep. I will wake you up early in the morning.

Ting Hao - It's okay, Chang An. I will work now. There is not a lot of work left.

Ting Yi - Then I will sit with you.

Ting Hao - You can sit if you want but do you want dark circles under your eyes?

Ting Yi - You think that dark circles are more important for me than you?

Ting Hao - No. I don't want any dark circles on your face. Please do what I said, Ting Yi.

Ting Yi - No, I will stay.

Ting Hao - If you love me, you will go.

Ting Yi - Brother!

Ting Hao - You don't love me.

Ting Yi - Fine, I will go.

Then Ting Yi also went to her room.

Chang An - I have some work too. I will stay.

Ting Hao - Chang An, you are going to sleep, right now. Or else I will put cold water on you.

Chang An - Okay, I will go.

Chang An went too.

Bai Cao was still there.

Bai Cao(thinking) - What should I do? Senior Ting Hao will not let me stay here if he will get to know. But what if he doesn't get to know? Yeah, I will just sit at the dining table.

Ting Hao - No need, Bai Cao.

Bai Cao - What do you mean, Senior Ting Hao?

Ting Hao - No need to sitting at the dining table.

Bai Cao - How did you know that I was thinking that?

Ting Hao - I heard your thought.

Bai Cao - Fine. I will stay here. I will sit in front of you.

Ting Hao - Bai Cao.

Bai Cao - And you know you can't change my decision. If you are stubborn, then I am stubborn too.

Ting Hao - Fine, sit here.

Bai Cao - Good.

Ting Hao - But in one condition.

Bai Cao - What is it?

Ting Hao - Read this book while you are here.

Bai Cao - Okay.

Then Ting Hao gave the book to Bai Cao. He smiled looking at Bai Cai while he was giving her the book.

Bai Cao - Why are you smiling?

Ting Hao - You will get to know.

Then Bai Cao quickly opens the book. She was shocked.

Bai Cao - Why is it a fantasy story?

Ting Hao - Do you want to read it?

Bai Cao - No. You know I find all this boring.

Ting Hao - Well, you have to read it if you want to stay here.

Bai Cao - Fine, I will read it.

Ting Hao - Okay.

Then Bai Cao sat on the sofa which was in front of Ting Hao and started reading it.

After one hour.

Bai Cao was still reading the book and Ting Hao was working on his laptop.

Bai Cao - Well, this story is getting interesting.

Ting Hao smiled.

Bai Cao - Why did you smile?

Ting Hao - I heard your thoughts.

Bai Cao - Did you really hear my thoughts?

Ting Hao - You find this story interesting now.

Bai Cao - I can't believe it.

Ting Hao - Well, Bai Cao, I can hear your thoughts.

Bai Cao - Okay. Now continue working.

After one more hour.

Bai Cao was reading the last chapter of the story but suddenly, she fell asleep and the book fell off her hand.

When Ting Hao heard the noise of the book falling, he looks at Bai Cao and sees that she has already fallen asleep.

He saves his work and went towards Bai Cao.

Ting Hao - Why is she so cute? She looks adorable while sleeping too.

He kept on looking at her. Then suddenly, Bai Cao tried to make some movements but she could not because the sofa is small.

Ting Hao - She is uncomfortable while sleeping here. I should take her to her room.

Then Ting Hao slowly picks Bai Cao up in his arms without disturbing her. And took her to her room. He puts Bai Cao on the bed, puts a blanket on her. He kept looking at her. He holds her hand and kisses her hand. Then he went to his room to sleep.

In the morning

Bai Cao woke up peacefully.

Bai Cao - What a peaceful morning!

Bai Cao stretches her hands. Then suddenly, she realizes something.

Bai Cao(thinking) - Peaceful morning! How can I have a peaceful morning? Why did I not see that dream again? Did something happen last night? As much as I remember, I was reading the book and fell asleep. Where is Senior Ting Hao? How am I in my room?

Bai Cao got up from her bed and went to freshen up.

After fifteen minutes, she came out and went straight towards the drawing-room. And sees that Ting Hao is not here. Then she went towards Ting Hao's room. She knocks on the door and no one opens it. She again knocks on the door and still, no one opens.

Bai Cao - Why is he not opening the door? Is he okay? Should I just go in?

Bai Cao extends her hand towards the door latch and opens the door. As she opens the door, her eyes went wide.

Ting Hao was standing there wearing a towel nothing else. Bai Cao was about to shout but before she could Ting Hao ran towards her and puts his hand on Bai Cao's mouth. At that time, Xiao Ying came out of her room. Ting Hao pulls Bai Cao inside the room and locks the door from inside. Bai Cao then hits Ting Hao hand which was on her mouth. Then Ting Hao removes his hand. Bai Cao stood by the wall and Ting Hao stood in front of her. Bai Cao was in between Ting Hao and the wall. No where to go. She kept looking at Ting Hao's face.

Bai Cao - What are you doing?

Ting Hao - Xiao Ying was coming.

Bai Cao - So what?

Then suddenly, someone knocks at Ting Hao's door. It was no one else but Chang An.

Chang An - Ting Hao, wake up.

Ting Hao - Chang An!

Bai Cao - Coach!


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