𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓵𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵

By Novelist_Susanna

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Qi Bai Cao, the "Queen Of Yuan Wu Dao" trying to hide her sadness and pain from her friends. She got what she... More

Meet The Leads
A new start
Surprised or shocked?
Unknown Person
PUZZLE, which needs to be solved
Wanna know you
Millions of Questions
Ting hao is back
Puzzle is solved
Just Wanted To Save You
Place for someone special
One condition
Confess to convince
Happiness in the air
A Surprise for Ting Yi
Someone is coming back
Welcome back "Senior"
Just Friends
Real Owners
Where is Bai Cao?
Problems, with no end
Too many questions ❓
Tracked Bai Cao
A lesson from Bai Cao
Back in Senses
The Reason
Emotional Out Burst
True Meaning
Losing Hopes?
New Friends 👏
"Family" A Hidden Truth
Memories(Part 1)
Memories (Part 2)
Pillow Fight
Have to choose
Past is in the past
Yi Feng 'A Suspicious Man'?
Running from feelings?
Ting Yi's Failed Plan
Unheard Expression
Great Love of Great Lovers
Truth came out because of Allergy?
True Truth
One more truth came out?
Unheard condition (Accepted)
No Sorry, No Thank You
Mission "Ting Yi's Birthday"
Chang An's Gift to Ting Yi
Chang An's haunted memory
Plan in action
Ting Yi's Birthday Celebration
Ting Yi's Birthday Celebration(part 2)
Funny Misunderstanding
No Objection
Appeal of a chance
Scared of Happy Memorise
Trying something new
Permission Granted
Knowing each other
Have to break your leg?
Getting used to each other
Last Day of the Week
Plan failed
Fei Yu's heartbreaking proposal
Mission Xiao Ying & Yi Feng Together Accomplished
Ruo Bai is Back
Ruo Bai was dead but was not dead
Ruo Bai has changed!
Importance of Bai Cao to Chang An
Bloomed in Moonlight
Peaceful smile
Tired of being his slave.
Scared for each other
Need of closure
The Journey towards the US - Started.
Yi Feng's Bitter Past
Benefits of Bodyguards
Truth & Dare.
Truth & Dare (Part 2)
Chang An's past
Bai Cao's nightmare
Long Drive
Long Drive (Part 2)
Ting Hao and Bai Cao's Child.

Unworthy but still, Worthy

108 19 16
By Novelist_Susanna

Manager - CEO Yi Feng, your father is here.

Everyone - What!

Yi Feng giggled

Yi Feng - It's going to be fun. Let's go.

Then Yi Feng started walking and went from there. Everyone was still standing there. Their curiosity and tension to know what is going on there between Yi Feng and his father was really evident on their faces. But at that moment, the manager came over there.

Chang An - What happened? Why are you here?

Manager - CEO Yi Feng has sent me here. He asked me to tell you to hear this.

Then the manager pulled out a phone from his mobile. He played an audio recording.

Audio Recording.

Yi Feng - I know you guys must be thinking what am I doing. But I also know that you guys are tensed and even curious to know what is going on between me and my father especially you Xiao Ying. That is why you need to follow Manager Qin's lead. Go wherever he is talking you guys.

Audio Recording ended.

Xiao Ying had a smile on her face.

Xiao Ying - He knows me very well.

Manager - Please come with me.

Then the manager took them to the place where Yi Feng was. Yi Feng was standing there alone.

Xiao Ying - Where is your father, Senior Yi Feng? Did he leave already?

Yi Feng - No, Xiao Ying. He is not here. He is there in that hall. I will be going there and you all will be going to that room.

Xiao Ying - Then how will we be able to hear what you both will be talking?

Yi Feng - That is specially designed. That room's walls are not made of bricks and cement. It is made up of plywood. Because of that, you guys can hear what we are talking. We use that room when we have to talk to someone like him or some business-related people. So, that we can easily record what is going on there. I am sure that Senior Ting Hao must have made a room like that in his office and maybe in his mansion too.

Ting Hao - Yeah, I have.

Yi Feng - See. All businessmen do this. It's necessary. Okay, I'll go now. You guys go in there. Manager Qin, I want you to switch it on too.

Manager Qun nodded and then Yi Feng started walking. As he was walking, few men in black started walking behind him, protecting him.

Ting Hao - Even I don't take so much security with me. I am sure that he needs it.

Xiao Ying - He does need it.

Chang An - Okay, guys, let's go.

Then they all went inside the room. Inside the room, they saw that there is a big security system kept there. Manager Qin switches it on and they were able to see what was going on there. Yi Feng sat on the sofa in front of his father

Yi Feng - Why are you here? Have you again come to ruin me? But you know you can't do that. You can't even buy any of the shares of my hotel because no one has it. All the shares are mine and no matter what happens, I'll never sell my shares.

Yi Feng's dad - I know that. After all, you are my son. I know you are also business-minded. You are like me.

Hearing that, Yi Feng got furious but he controlled his anger.

Yi Feng - I am not like you.

Yi Feng's dad - Okay. By the way, how is your girlfriend, Xiao Ying?

Yi Feng giggled but anger was evident on his face.

Yi Feng - You were spying on me. Since when?

Yi Feng's dad - Since you told me that Lin Li is with you and you threatened me.

Yi Feng smiled.

Yi Feng - You were scared that I will reveal your dirty secret. Good. By the way, my girlfriend, Xiao Ying... is doing good. You don't have to worry about it.

Yi Feng's dad giggled.

Yi Feng's dad - How are you not like me? I fell in love with an ordinary girl and you did too. You will also get bored of her and then you will leave her. I know that.

And now, Yi Feng was not able to control his anger anymore. So, he went towards his father and grabs his collar. He was about to hit him, but at that time, Xiao Ying and others came there.

Xiao Ying - Senior Yi Feng, no.

As Yi Feng heard Xiao Ying's voice, he stopped and steps back. Yi Feng's dad stood up, smiled at Yi Feng as he was teasing him and went near Xiao Ying.

Yi Feng's dad - You must be Xiao Ying, right?

Xiao Ying nodded.

Yi Feng's dad - Can we talk, Xiao Ying? Alone?

Xiao Ying looked at Yi Feng. Yi Feng says no with his gesture she then bows her head and starts thinking.

Xiao Ying - Yeah.

Yi Feng's dad - Let's go out then.

Yi Feng - No! If you want to talk to her then just talk here. We will go out.

Yi Feng's dad - No, it's okay. We will go.

Then both Xiao Ying and Yi Feng's dad went out of that room...

Yi Feng's dad(in his mind) - You think I don't know why you want me to stay there in that room and talk to Xiao Ying. I know everything, I am your father, Yi Feng.

Then both of them came pretty far from the room and they stopped.

Xiao Ying - What did you want to talk to me, Uncle?

Yi Feng's dad - Do you think that you are worthy to be with Yi Feng?

Xiao Ying - What do you mean?

Yi Feng's dad - Can you not see how sincere he is towards you? He almost hit me, that too for you. But I am sure that you are sincere towards him too, but he is rich and you have nothing. Your father is an ordinary office man who has a 9 to 5 job and your mother runs a hotel, right?

Xiao Ying - Yeah.

Yi Feng's dad - Don't you think that this pairing is not perfect. You are not worthy to be with him. This is what I think.

Xiao Ying just stood there in silence.

Yi Feng's dad - I think, I should leave now. Nice talking to you, Xiao Ying.

Then Yi Feng's dad turned around and was about to take a step but Xiao Ying stopped him by saying.

Xiao Ying - Even if I am not worthy to be with him. It's his choice to be with me or not. It's his choice to be with someone who is worthy or with someone who is unworthy.

Yi Feng's dad said nothing and just left from there. As he left, everyone came to Xiao Ying.

Yi Feng - What was he saying?

Xiao Ying - Nothing. Just normal stuff.

Yi Feng(surprised) - Normal stuff! Xiao Ying, he is not normal to say normal stuff.

Xiao Ying(low voice) - What he said is normal because he is a rich dad. And reach dads think this only.

Yi Feng - What?

Xiao Ying - Nothing. Let's go.

Manager - You guys, must be tired. Why don't you all go to your rooms? We done some arrangements. I hope that you all will like it.

Then they all went to their respective rooms.

Soon it was night. They all came out of their rooms after a good nap. A person was standing in front of everyone's rooms. As they came out, the person took them to the dining hall. Yi Feng was already standing there. Ting Hao and Chang An were the firsts who reached the room

Ting Hao - Yi Feng, I am really impressed by you. You are really rich.

Yi Feng - I accept that I am rich but I am not as rich as you are. I just have a lot of security because I need them now. There was no security with me before. But now when you all know who I am, I can't risk your lives. My dad is not trustworthy. I don't want him to harm you guys. Plus, we need some security to keep us safe from Feng Yun Hall too. Don't we?

Ting Hao(nodding) - We really do need it.

And then, all the girls came too. They all sat on the chairs and started having their dinner.

After having dinner, they all went out in the garden and sat on the chairs kept there.

Ting Yi - Yi Feng, I have a question to ask you.

Yi Feng - Okay.

Ting Yi - Will your guards be there when we will go to Feng Yun hall?

Yi Feng - Yeah.

Ting Yi - But then Feng Yun people will think that we are protecting ourselves from them.

Chang An - If they think so, then let them think. Who told them that we trust them?

Ting Hao - Obviously. I never told them that you all trust them. I just told them that you all trust me.

Bai Cao - Then, what are you going to tell them about how you convinced all of us?

Ting Hao - I don't think that they will ask me. They are people for whom only the result matters, not the way to reach that result.

Chang An - You are right, Ting Hao. But still, you should know what you will tell them. I think you should tell them the truth.

Ting Yi - What! If brother will tell them the truth then they will get to know that he is with us.

Chang An - What if, they will listen to our conversation? We will be in double trouble.

Ting Hao - Chang An is right. I should tell them the truth. I will tell them that I told you guys that they think that I am betraying you guys but I am not betraying you guys, I am betraying them. And they will think that I am betraying you guys by telling you that I am betraying them but I am not betraying them.

Xiao Ying - Everything just bounced off my head. It is really complicated. After hearing what you said, I am not sure that you are betraying them or you are with us.

Yi Feng - Aren't they both the same. If he is betraying them, then he is with us. I think you want to say if he is betraying them or is he with them.

Xiao Ying - You see, this is the proof that I am totally confused.

Bai Cao - Yeah, this is confusing.

Fei Yu - It will be nice if you guys just enjoy looking at stars.

Xiao Ying - You are right, Fei Yu.

Then everyone started looking at the stars.

After some time, they all went into their rooms and slept.

In the morning.

As usual, Bai Cao and Chang An were the first ones who woke up. Then they all went to wake everyone. Bai Cao went to Xiao Ying & Ting Yi's room. Chang An went to Ting Hao, Yi Feng and Fei Yu's room.

They all came out and went to the dining hall to have their breakfast. While they were having their breakfast, they suddenly heard noises coming from outside. They all went there.

Yi Feng - What is going on here?

Manager Qin - Sir, these people are trying to come inside.

Yi Feng - Who are they?

Manager - They are asking me to call Fei Yu.

Yi Feng - Fei Yu!

As Fei Yu heard that, he went towards the door.

Fei Yu - What are you guys doing here? How did you guys got to know that I am here?

Woman - We saw you on the TV. You are all over the news.

Fei Yu - That news is not about me. That news is about Yi Feng.

Woman - Doesn't matter. You are in the news.

Fei Yu - You are impossible, Mom.

Bai Cao - Aunt, long time.

As Bai Cao saw that Fei Yu's mom, she hugged her. Fei Yu's mom seemed to be confused.

Bai Cao - You don't remember me, right?

Fei Yu's mom - Yeah.

Bai Cao - It's me, aunt, Bai Cao.

Fei Yu's mom still seemed too confused.

Bai Cao - You still don't remember me.

Fei Yu - Mom, she is Bai Cao, my lady monkey, remember?

Fei Yu's mom(surprised) - Bai Cao! You have grown up a lot. You were so small when we came here to the US.

Bai Cao - Yeah, I accept that I have grown up. But you seem to be the same, Stylish.

Fei Yu's mom - You are still the same. Always buttering me.

They both smiled.

Fei Yu's mom - Are you not happy that you finally found your lady monkey?

Fei Yu - I am happy, mom.

Fei Yu's mom - What about you, Bai Cao?

Bai Cao - I am was very happy to know that he is my monkey.

Fei Yu - By the way, mom, why did you come?

Fei Yu's mom - I just came to meet you. I will leave now.

Then Fei Yu's mom left from there.

Ting Hao - I think we should leave for Feng Yun hall now. You guys just pack your Yuan Wu Dao dress and come wearing this only. We will change our dress there.

Then they all again went to their rooms.

After few minutes, they all came out and sat in the car.

After half an hour of travelling, they finally reached Feng Yun Hall. They all came out of the car and stood in front of Feng Yun Hall

Chang An - Are you guys ready?

Everyone - Yeah.

Chang An - Let's go then.

As they came near the door, they saw that students from the hall were standing there to welcome them. As they came near the door, Yin Xiu was coming near Ting Hao to hug him, but before she could, Ting Yi comes in front of her and hugged her.

Ting Yi - Long time, Yin Xiu.

Yin Xiu - Yeah. Welcome, everyone. Please come on in.

Then they all went inside.

Yin Xiu - Kim Li, take them to the hall. Drillmaster, please come with me.

Ting Hao went with Yin Xiu. Then Kim Li took everyone else to the hall.

Ting Hao - Where are you taking me?

Yin Xiu - The elders want to talk to you.

Ting Hao - Elders!


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