Thorne POV (Cress and My Parents I)

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This will only make sense if you have read Stars Above: Marissa Meyer

"So Captain," Cress says turning to me after Jacin has hung up, "What are your parents like?"

I look down at her, "Parents......they are okay.." I hate my parents, they didn't recognize me as anything more than a lump of trash that needed to be fed and educated. At least I had my school mates but I was only liked there because of my wit and my looks, naturally. So I never really like my child hood, I won't go as far as saying it was troubling, some might say that seeing as I became a criminal. But what nobody on this stolen ship will see coming is the fact that my parents are rich. Loaded, wealthy whatever you want to call it but they have a whole lot of money. As much money as I have brains.

Cress looks at me questioning, "What happened....are they....are they, gone."

"No my parents aren't dead."

"Oh," She says deflating even more, "Than what's wrong with them?"

"Nothing is wrong with them I jus don't particularly like them as much I guess."

"Oh," Cress looks away, "We don't have to see them if you don't want I just thought that maybe you would want to see them."

I take a deep breath, "Yeah, I guess."

"Well, I am going to go check on Liam, last time I checked he was playing a game in the control room but who knows." She takes a step back still looking at me, "But really Thorne we don't have to see them if it makes you uncomfortable."

I shake my head, "No, no it's fine. I need to do this I have been needing to this for a while now."

Cress nods and walks away, calmly. At least someone is calm, I am freaking out. Which is, by default, not something that I like admit to. I have to be strong, for myself this time. This is something that I have wanted to do for a while. Face my parents, but I have just never had a reason to but now that Cress wants to do it  practically have to. I watch her go because I need to a sure she is gone for this. I am going to call my parents and make sure they are ready because out of the two of us somebody needs to be ready.

Once the sound of Cress's footsteps fade down the hall I pickup my forgotten port and dial up my parents. There number ingrained in my memory. The port vibrates for a while maybe because we are in space and there is a bad signal and maybe because they don't want to answer. I pick up the port and head to my room, watching the screen for any movement the whole way. I slump on the bed and the call ends, I call again and again willing my parents to find some kind of compassion in their hearts to answer the call. I must have call some 50 times before I give up burying my face in my hands.

There not going to answer, by now they would have answered already if they wanted to see my face, rather handsome but evidently unwelcomed. They must have blocked my number by now, thinking it a criminal and in some ways they are right I guess.

I drag my hand down my face messing up my hair just as my port begins to ring . I pick it up all ready preparing myself to decline the comm. But it is my parents, my father to be exact. My heart skips, leaving me for a second. I accept.

"Hello?" I peer into the darkness.

I hear muffled noises people talking to each other, old people. And then there is light and two old people both grinning a grin like mine. I stare at them in awe, silence in compassing me for minutes until my father breaks the silence, "Son."

"Dad?" I breath, emotions rising, threatening to break through my barriers.

"Well," My mother says sighing. "How have you been son?"

How have I been? That is actually a really good question how have I been. What do they know? A lot has happened since I left them for a life of crime, which, I don't at all regret. Because of my life of crime I was arrested, because I was arrested I was put in jail. Because I was put in jail I met Cinder. Because I met Cinder I was able to escape jail. Because I escaped jail I was able to meet up with Cinder and her crew, naturally making it my crew. Because I was able to meet up with Cinder's crew I was able to help them. Because I was able to help them I was able to board a ship with an adoring fan. Because I was able to board a ship with an adoring I was able to fall out of the sky to my near death. Because I fell out of the sky to my near death I was able to slowly and surely fall in love with the love of my life Cress. And because of that I am the happiest I have been in a long time.

"I have been great, couldn't be happier." I tell the truth.

"Well I am glad to here that, do you think you could pay us a visit? We haven't seen you in a long time."

I let out a breath, "That is what I called you guys about, I getting married in a few weeks." 

My mother gasps loudly, "You, Carswell Thorne is getting married. You know that means life time commitment right. Where is the boy a raised who talked fondly about a different girl everyday?"

"He's gone." My father chuckles at my mother, "So this must be some girl." He juts his chin out in my direction.

"Yep, she is a beauty to behold. I thought I would drop by there maybe tomorrow."

"Oh sure, I'll have a room made for you. What time do you think you will be in?"

"I don't know just have the room ready we'll be there for at least a night. And also I have some friends with me." No way I am telling my mother who is with me, she need to agree before she can back out of this. I don't know what she would do, and I don't really want to know until she has no choice.

"How many others?" My mother says shuffling around, to lean more on my father.


"Okay, I'll put that request into the staff." My mother stands up and disappears out of frame. Leaving me and my father on the call alone. Assuming of course that Cress is not infiltrating this call.

"Dad, can you please act normal around my her?"

My dad smirks, "Sure, I won't scare your fiancé."

"Bye Dad."

He chuckles,  "Bye son, see you soon."

I hang up.

To everyone else this is just a friendly meet up. But not me I am the middle man.

My parent, I know them and they know me in the same way that I know Cress and she knows me.

But my parents don't know Cress and Cress certainly doesn't know my parents.



Be Safe


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