Early Mornings

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Cinder POV (Remember the have a meeting with Torin)

"See," Kai pushes the door open for me, "Getting somewhere on time is not that bad."

"Yes, it is," I grumble under my breath.

"Oh, come on, you're telling me that you didn't have to wake up this early to go to your booth."

"I did, but I enjoy mechanics, not meeting with your old grumpy adviser."

Kai chuckles, "As I previously stated, Torin is not that bad."

I glance at him, "Sure."

Kai walks around his desk dragging his hand around as he walks, "Torin should be hear any minute now."

"Okay," I shuffle around the other side of the desk and sit down in my chair, I slightly less plush chair next to Kai's. I lean over the side of my chair onto the arm rest of Kai's chair.

He chuckles and takes my hand, "Good choice."

The door opens and Torin walks in looking very normal.

Kai stands up and shakes Torin's hand, "Good morning, Torin."

Torin smiles, "Good morning, Your Majesty." He glances at me.

I force a smile, a little to bright so that he knows it is forced and that I do not want to be here.

He smiles back not detecting it, "Good of you to join of us Your Majesty." 

I nod, "If you don't could we get to the point, I have another meeting after this."

"Excuse me, but there is plenty of overlap time between this meeting and the next one."

I glare at him leaning forward, "Excuse you, but I want to take a nap in between the two meetings."

Kai rests his hand on my back.

"Okay," Torin takes a seat in the chair across from me and Kai, "So the main reason I called this meeting this morning it to discuss something in particular."

I bite back a wide variety of insults, curse words and sly comments. 

He leans forward shuffling some files on the table, "You two have been taking far to many breaks, between your honey moon and whatever you just got back from...." He glances at us for a second before directing his attention back to the stack of papers, "My point is that you guys can't afford to take many more breaks. I get it, you guys are young and you want to party and that is fine, you just need to manage your time...So" He hits the stack of papers hard on the desk, "I want you guys to work on it." He looks to Kai.

Kai lets out a long breath, and nods, "I agree with you Torin, there has been a lot of careless frolicking and me and Cinder will do our best to manage our time wisely...right Cinder?"

I glance at him and then back at Torin and let my gaze settle somewhere in between them, "Yes, I will try."

Kai's port rings and he take it out of his pocket, his eyes scan over the writing he glances to me with a small sorry smile, "You appointment has been moved up, it is in five minutes."

"Really?" I say just for verification that the world is against me.

He nods.

It is against me.

Scarlet POV

There is something about someone loving you dearly that makes you not want to tell them when you are hurting, especially when you get food poisoning from the restaurant that they took you to for a date.

I walk down the stairs with Michelle in my arms trying to tell myself that everything is absolutely fine. When I get to the ground level a speed up my pace in an effort to try and get past Wolf without any questioning. Of course that doesn't work.

"Scarlet." Wolf says calmly.

I stop where I am and turn around slowly, it not always good to have a husband with super hearing. "Oh, hey, Wolf. I didn't see you there."

Wolf narrows his eyes, "Why were you throwing up?"


"Yes, you Scarlet. Are you okay? Is there something you want to tell me?"

I let out a breath deciding to come clean, "Um at the restaurant, I think I caught some sort of stomach bug from there....so."

He nods, his eyes softening a little bit, "That would explain, the last few days."

"Wolf," I say louder than I meant to.

"Yes, Scar." He says in his same calm tone.

"You've been listening to me in the bathroom for that long and you didn't tell me."

"What was there to tell? I thought it would be better to wait and see if it was just a one time things, but it wasn't."

I shift Michelle around in my arms suddenly feeling very out there and in the spot light. "Well, I didn't want to worry you for the same reason, I didn't  know if it was something serious or just a one time thing."

"I guess I see where you are coming from with that argument....but seriously you should tell me about these things."

I nod, "I know, it just felt kind of wrong."

Wolf stands up and walks over to me smoothly, "Well I'm glad we could clear that up."

I nod smiling, "Me too."

I got logged out of wattpad on my computer and I can't get back in so I have to use a different computer so.....that is my excuse for not being as consistent.



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