The Adventures of William Carswell

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I glare at my father until he is out of my line of sight. I watch him as he has time to stop and talk  to uncle Kai and some how a few seconds ago all he had time to do was give me a passing glance. And then he wants to tell me that he is doing nothing when I catch him in his bed with my mother, with no clothes on. The Sergeant will not take nothing for an answer.

I push myself up off the floor in front of the bathroom door and start on my way to someone who I know I can trust, well not really. But mommy trusts her so so do I.

I push open the door to see yet another couple kissing. The Kesley's, Scarlet, Wolf and Michelle. Well Michelle is not participating in the kissing but she is close enough. I clear my throat.

Scarlet roles her eyes looking at me, "What is it with you Carswell's every time I want to kiss my husband you guys are always there."


Wolf shakes his head, smirking, scaring me. Isn't it amazing how a smiling monster is still scary. I don't know how nobody else is scared of him, but I sure am. But I don't show it, Sergeants never show fear. "What do you need, Liam?"

"Um," I look away. "I had a question for you." I take step closer.

Scarlet shakes her head, "Why are you all the way over there? You can come closer if you want to."

I look back and forth between her and her.......'husband'.  Before closing the distance between us so that I am standing right in front of them.

"Okay what is your question?" Scarlet looks down at her baby.

"Um, I just may have walked in on something earlier and daddy won't tell me what he was doing."

Wolf looks at me with a surprised grin on his face, "Walked in on something?"

"Yeah, I was playing a game with Oki and I was running aaway from him. So I ran into their and they were laying on each other with basically no clothes on."

Scarlet lets out a loud laugh.

"What were they doing Auntie Scarlet?"

Scarlet blushes, "That is not for me to tell you and plus you are two young."

I squint at them, "Two young, Mam you are aware that I am three years of age right?"

"Yeah," Scarlet nods slowly, with a small smile, "You are too young."

I glare at her and look over to the wolfman, "Will you tell me?"

He pets Scarlet's leg chuckling at me, "No, you are to old to know."

I nod my head in thought, "You present a fair point, crewmate."

Wolf grins, "I know right."

I hear a little cry and then a little laughter, I look back to Scarlet and Wolf who are grinning at the baby in the blanket. I clear my throat but more delicately this time. I stand up as tall as I can trying to see in the blanket, "Can...Can I see?"

Scarlet smiles at me, "Sure, you can hold her if you want."

Wolf's head whips over to Scarlet a look of mild horror on his face, "Him? But his is a kid."

"Yeah if you sit right here you can hold her, but you have to be really careful with your cousin, alright."

I bounce on my toes, "Alright."

"Be careful." Wolf says staring me down.

Scarlet shakes her head at Wolf, "Pretend she is your baby sister."

I nod.

Scarlet nods back to me and hands Michelle over to Wolf and then precedes to do maybe the dumbest thing I have ever seen. She pitches over to the side and roles off of the big pillow onto the floor like a complete fool. Wolf looks over at her with an eyebrow lifted and she starts giggling.

"Scarlet, I love you. But what you are doing makes absolutely no sense."

She continues laugh, Wolf shakes his head, still wearing a small smile.

There is only on explanation for this, she is absolutely crazy. Off her bonkers. 

I take a step closer to him,  incase he needs protection. "You married that woman?"

Wolf looks to me with a grin, "Yep, that's my Scarlet."

Scarlet sits up, smiling.

I roll my eyes turning on my heal, "I am leaving you guys are weird."

"Oh come on," Wolf chuckles, "We aren't that weird."

I turn around right before I can shut the door, "Yes you are."

"Well didn't you want to hold Michelle." Scarlet says.

I lean back into the room, holding my body up with my hands on the door frame and the door knob. "If that is the child of you two I can only begin to imagine how weird she is."

"Hey-" I shut the door before I can hear the rest of Scarlet's complaint. They are weird, I need to find a non weird person. Some one who is not kissing naked in a bed or rolling of big pillows like a maniac.

And that is going to be a hard mission. But I Sergeant William Carswell will carry through even if it is a self assigned unimportant, meaningless mission. I will follow through.



Be Safe

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