Scarlet POV (Winter)

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Winter may be crazy but she is one of my favorite people on the crew. I love that girl, even if she annoyed the heck out of me on Luna she was the only one who actually cared about me. She tried everything to help me, the pain killers and everything. And what did I do in return, I yelled at her and told her she was crazy.


Me and Wolf walk down the ramp carefully, him holding our bags and me holding Michelle. Winter squeals, "Can I hold her?"

I nod, shifting Michelle around so that she can hold her. She takes her out of my hands and holds her close.

She grins at the baby, "She's a cute one Scarlet."

"I know." I smile back.

"Shall we go to dinner  now?"

"Sure." We start walking up the stairs toward the palace. "But shouldn't we wait for the rest of them?"

Winter shrugs, "They could take forever who knows what they are doing in that ship. You can wait but I am going to eat."

"Well then I guess I am coming with you." I glance back the ship. Something deep down inside tells me that we are going to be the only ones in the dining hall for a long time. Cinder and Kai just finding out that they are pregnant, or Cinder at least. Cress probably getting all emotional over absolutely nothing more than she normally does. My friends have always been weird, which I guess says something about me.

I glance over at Wolf, he staring at Winter. More specifically Michelle in Winter's arms, his jaw is locked and it is obvious that he is in a ready to catch our baby girl should anything go wrong. "Wolf?" I rest a hand on his arm.

He takes a breath a drags his gaze over to me slowly, "Yes, Scarlet."

I shake my head, "You don't have to worry, Winter is not going to let anything happen to her."

Wolf nods and goes back to watching Michelle. So he cares a whole lot about his baby girl, good. But I think I at least owe it too Winter trust her.



Be Safe

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