Kai POV (Torin Issues 2)

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Previously on Empress: "I sigh and walk into the bathroom. I have only started to turn on the faucet when I hear a muffled scream. Cinder's muffled scream."

I run out of the bathroom ready to seem some random guys strangling my wife. But nope Cinder's face is just planted in a pillow and she is screaming, mouth wide-open right into the pillow. "Cinder, hey Cinder." I yell over her scream.

She lifts up her head, the screaming ceasing. "Oh sorry, I just had to let it out. Iko said it is healthy to do that sometimes."

Of course Iko told her to scream into a pillow when she is stressed. Of course, because it is the most illogical thing I have heard all day. And that's after Torin called me crazy. "You can talk to me you know."

"I know. But screaming and talking just aren't the same."

"Well at least promise me that you will warn me before you give me a heart-attack."

She smirks, "Yeah okay."

"So why were you screaming?"

She lets her face fall back into the pillow and she mumbles, "I don't know."

"Are you sure you are okay Cinder?"

She lifts her head up abruptly, "Who ever said I was okay. I am nowhere near okay. I lost my baby and Torin hates me. Who by the way I have to see like everyday now."

Well seeing as I can only kix one of these problems, "Torin does not hate you."

"Yes he does."

"No he doesn't"

"Yes he does."

"No he doesn't"

"Yes he does."

"No he doesn't"

"Yes he does."

"Cinder, we are not doing this. Torin does not hate you. I don't think Torin hates anybody. He is just trying to get used to you."

She shakes her head and once again collapses back into the pillow. 

"You need to go talk to Torin. He doesn't hate you, you hate him. Why do you hate him?"

Cinder sits up all the way leaving the pillow down, "I don't know." She curls her lip, "Don't you ever just get a vibe from someone?"

I squint at and slowly say, "No."

"Fine," Cinder says throwing her hands up in the hair and standing up, "I will go talk to Torin, you are coming. But I just want you to know, this doesn't change anything, I still hate him to the ends of the earth."

There is some quality Cinder for you

Also I didn't really feel it necessary to write in the part about Cinder talking to Torin, it wouldn't very interesting. Compared to what I've got planned for her .....



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