Kai POV (Pregnant? pt.1)

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I don't know what to think anymore. I mean is she pregnant? Or not? Just like when I wanted to know if she could have kids or not. I just want to know I don't care what the answer is....well it's not that I don't care, I do. A whole lot actually. I just don't want Cinder to feel any pressure. That being said I do want to know.

 I am sitting in the gallery, Cinder just walked out. The pregnancy test is just now coming to a stop against the wall. Her actions fresh in my head. The glare. The crossing of the arms. The kick.

I look around, everyone is looking at me. "Why are you looking at me?"

Scarlet raises and eyebrow, "You're the one who is married to her."


Scarlet her arms throws up, "Well Kai if she is pregnant it would have been you who did it to her."

Thorne chuckles, "Yeah Kai, never thought you of all people wouldn't think of that."

I turn around and glare at him, what does he know, "Well what do you think almighty one?"

Thorne straightens his posture and starts to speak with the slightest British accent, "Well, my royal subject if you must know. I would have to agree with Lady Scarlet." I swear that idiot. It is like Thorne is now synonymous with idiot and moron.

I turn back to the empty front of the room, "Shut up." I am the only royal in the room, that being said I don't know anything about medicine. "Jacin what do you think?"

He clears his throat and begins talking in a deeper voice than usual. "It's possible, she could be pregnant but the only way we could know for sure is if she took the test." Doctor voice or is he trying to impress Winter? If so than that is not needed, Winter is like Cress. Every time her man is around she is all blush-y and giggly. I don't know.

I stand up and face them, "Then that's what I'll do." I feel like a soldier, ready for battle. But of course I am only a defenseless Emperor married to the most powerful lunar every known.

Scarlet looks up at me and then smirks, "Good luck, that girl is stubborn."

It's true. She is, once she has made her decision it is hard to change it. Excuse me, extremely, hard to change it. I nod to them, pick up the test of the floor, and then walk out the room. Just like Cinder. Just like pregnant or non-pregnant Cinder.



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