Cinder POV (Forever)

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I feel like I haven't seen Kai in a lifetime, but really I have only haven't seen him in 1 hr. I feel guilty for thinking about him on my girls only breakfast date but to be honest I don't think I was the only one. I am heading for Kai's office, I know he will be there he doesn't take his job as the Emperor lightly. I open the door without knocking, Kai looks up at me blankly at first but the look grows. 

"Hello, Cinder."

"Hi." I say taking a seat across from him. I don't know why I'm here, I just am.

"What are you doing here."

"I missed you," That is partly true but the other part of me just wants to be held. I just want to be touched in ways only Kai can touch me. 

Kai looks up at me with a crooked smile, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," The more he looks at me the more I want him to touch me, the more I feel like an idiot.

I look at him, he knows exactly what I want, and he is smiling at me denying me. The fact that he knows what I want but is not giving it to me is both super annoying and super hot. "Hfff." So difficult. He is smirking at me, he thinks it's hilarious when a girl wants something, it's not and he will find himself a widower soon if he doesn't get his act together. Just kidding. Maybe.

He stands, I stand. I look at him. He looks at me intensely for a moment before closing the gap between us. He reached for my hands and smiles at me still teasing. This boy-Kai presses his lips against mine. Finally he could have done this earlier, I didn't come in here just to sit here. I feel like I haven't seen Kai forever, that's not the fact though, we slept together last night, but......I have to enjoy every  moment I can get because Luna awaits me. I have to go back, I can't stay, I want to but I can't. I lean into the kiss, it won't be our last but it close enough to it. My hands disappear into his hair, I want to stay here with him forever. Forever be near the one I love, forever be near the one who loves me, forever have this feeling that this can last forever. What a funny word, the notion that something can last for eternity. It can't, but still the word resonates in my head over and over again threatening it drown out the kiss. Forever. Forever.

Vote because I wasn't planning to post until the weekend but I did...Your Welcome

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