Scarlet POV (Bye Wolf)

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We did find a suit that fit Wolf. But we were out all day and all night long, and now I have to get Winter and myself ready. I guess we could have gotten back to the palace earlier but Wolf insisted on taking me out to a nice restaurant. It was really nice while it lasted, a whole day with out hearing Michelle crying. But like all good things it eventually came to an end.

Now here I lie in my bed tired and thoroughly dreading the day ahead, but this is the last time. The last time I will be obligated beyond refusal to participate in a wedding.

"Scarlet," I hear Iko yell from the door.

"Iko?" I sit up rubbing my eyes.

"Yes, Scarlet it is me, Jacin would like you to reclaim your baby so that he can get ready."

Wolf shifts around, still sleeping, he wraps his arm around my waist and tries to pull my back to my previous position but if I lay down I won't get back up for a few hours.

"Wolf," I tap his shoulder, "It is time to wake up now."

He groans rolling away from me, "No."

"Scarlet open this door right now, you are holding everyone up and you didn't even go to the rehearsal yesterday."

"Okay well there were somethings that needed to be taken care of so we couldn't come to the thing."

"Things that needed to be taken care of? Scarlet while I dress Winter me and you are going to have a long conversation about this business that you were taking care of."

What does she think I was doing? "Okay, okay let me just get ready."

"Scarlet that is why you need to come out there so that you can get ready."

 I shake Wolf  body as hard as I can, "I know but I am not dressed to go anywhere."

"For all the stars Scarlet nobody cares, just come out here already."

"Okay, I'm coming out now."

I push myself out of the bed and walk over to the door, and right when I am about to open it Wolf wakes up. And not a slow wakening, out of the corner of my eye I see him sit upright, alert. "Scarlet, where are you going?"

"With, Iko."

Wolf lifts an eyebrow, "Where are you and Iko going?"

"To the dressing rooms, there is a wedding today...remember that?"

Why does everyone want to believe the worst about me, even Wolf. "Okay, bye Scarlet. I'll come down there in a few minutes, I just want to take a shower first."

"Okay, bye Wolf." I turn around to open the door when I am interrupted once again.

"Hey, hey, you can't leave her just yet."

I turn back around , again, to face Wolf, "Why?"

"Because," He jumps out of bed landing right in front of me, "I didn't say goodbye, yet."

"Yes yo-"

Wolf cups my face in his hands and kisses me, cutting off my words. He breaks away after about 10 seconds has pasted, "Now, I have said goodbye."

I laugh, "Okay, bye Wolf." And with that I slip out of the door.



Be Safe

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