Cinder POV

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His eyes sweep around the room lingering on me. Everyone is staring at him in awe, even me except for the awe part. He looks all out of sorts like someone has attacked him, I wonder who it could be. Maybe the fiance that he betrayed, maybe, again I'm just spitballing. Wolf looks at me then to Kai and then back to me and shakes his head. I sink lower into my chair I don't want to talk to anybody right now especially not him. He moves about the room like everything is normal picking up his food from the buffet. He turns around to walk back over to her chair but stops midstep.

"What? Why are you all staring at me." I thought you would be smart enough to know but I guess you are to dumb to pick up a hint, like when you shouldn't tell the world you are engage after multiple hints from 'bae'.

Thorne that, moron, chuckles, "You should have seen Cinder when she walked in her, she looked like the stars were attacking her. But nope, it was just so you." Thorne erupts into laughter. Spades do I want to punch him in the face right now. That idiot can't keep his cursed mouth shut, always saying something. I lift my gaze to Kai, he is staring miserably at his plate of untouched food. Why in the earthen union is he miserable? I am understandably miserable, him, I don't know about him. I feel the anger inside of me flare. He had no right to announce the engagement and he did. He did it after I told him not to. After his fiance told him not to he did it.

My anger builds up spilling out of my mouth I stand up pressing my hands against the table. "I told you not to Kai, I told you not to. And what did you do, you continued. Even after the woman you supposedly love told you not to. It's not all about you, you know. I have feelings to." I glare at him. I just can't with him right now.  I storm out of the room not bothering to look back, he'll come. At some point Kai will come knocking on my door for mercy and aces will I be  ready for him. I'll be waiting......

It's short but I wanted to end on that sentence, good don't you think?

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