From the view of the Rampion children

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I have done four weddings now and I want to switch it up, you will be hearing from the children. Not the bride or the groom.

Liam POV

There are so many reasons why I liked my parents' wedding better than any other wedding. For example, I have on a tuxedo. Which is like the most uncomfortable article of clothing that one can find. And yet here I am wearing it, the world oblivious to my pain. I look around, Iko is whispering to Winter. I look to my parents who are hugging, I walk over to them.

"Iko said that I was getting a ring. Where is it?"

Cress turns around and looks down at me, she smiles, "She is going to give you the rings right before you walk out so that you don't loose them."

I glare at her, "When do I ever loose things?"

Dad glares at me, "Fix your face son, don't look at her like that."

I drop the glare letting out a breath, "Fine, but I don't loose things you have to at least give that to me."

Mommy giggles, rolling her eyes, "You are abnormally tidy for a three year old."

I smile, "Thank you."

Iko appears next to me, "What are you doing the procession has all ready started you should be silent."

Michelle POV

Rachelle is nice, not nicer that my mother and father but nice enough that I don't want to bite her finger. 

She shifts me around so that I am sitting down on her leg and I can see my parents. 

I reach out for them but somehow my arms are just a bit too short to touch them. So I do what any baby would do, I call out them. And everyone turns to look at me except my mother. I look back at Rachelle who is watching the storm of fluff with a smile. I grip her finger with my entire hand and she looks down at me.


I whine.

She presses her finger to her lips and shakes her head. I stare at her unsure of what to do with this adult. She wants me to be quiet while the technicians are blasting music into the hall, if I were to start crying only the people right next to me would be able to hear it.

I sniffle, threating the thing that nobody likes, crying. And you'd be surprised how many times you can blackmail your parents. I mean that is all it is, me threating to do something unless they do something. Adults are dumb, they fall for the same trick every time. I almost feel bad, almost.

My eyes follow my parents silently as they make their way down the aisle. When my mother gets to the front she goes to one side my dad goes the other. I look at my dad, he is looking at me. He smiles at me and I reach out for him. He waves and then there are more people, blocking my view.

Liam POV

I will have you know that I did not  loose the ring during the four yard walk down the aisle. I had when I started, and when I stopped.  I hand the ring to Jacin, who takes it with a smile. I nod back to him and keep walking, as practice and stop in front of my father. The rest of the wedding was boring, a few people gave long speeches about the meaning  of love and other things like that and then they put rings on each other's finger kissed and then we were back in the place we started, the men's changing room.


I fell asleep when Uncle Jacin said, "I do."

Next thing I knew I was in the hands of my sleeping mother.



Be Safe

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