Cinder POV (Pregnant? pt.3)

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I take the test from Kai and mutter under my breath a soft, "Okay, I will."

The bathroom is right across the hall. As if the American Republic crafted their ships in my best interest. I push open the bathroom door, first thing I see is the mirror. I stare at myself for a minute Analyzing myself, criticizing myself. Telling myself all the reasons why I can't be a mother because to be honest, I kind of want to be pregnant. To have a baby of my own. 

I finally close the door behind me forcing myself further into the cramped bathroom. I pull the test up to my face and look at it. I am not a fan on peeing on sticks. I mean all this technological advance and we still use the same thing to test pregnancy. The only first era technology that is still used today is this. Something as simple as a pregnancy test, something as complicated as a pregnancy test. 

Something catches my eye in the mirror. Metal. My metal hand. I am still a cyborg. I punch in a command test for abnormalcy. I start the scan of my body standing still as my retina display demands. 

The bottom of my display I flashes red and then words scroll across like breaking news. Abnormalcy detected; cause: maternity

I stagger back. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I take a deep breath bending over the sink. I'm pregnant. Wolf was right, Scarlet was right. I'm pregnant.

A knock on the door startles me out of my surprise. "Hey Cinder, are you almost done in there, I am dying out here." He chuckles nervously. I'm nervous, and I know. 

Will I good be a mother? Will Kai be a good father? Will I die like my mother?

I gather myself, there will be no alone time. Not now, not like all the other times that something major happens. I will have to tell everyone. Scarlet, Wolf, Thorne, Cress, Winter, Jacin, Iko and Kai. Kai, waiting outside. He doesn't know, that I'm a mother, that he's a father and that we're parents. 

Hey, hey Cinder's pregnant!!!!



Be safe

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