Kai POV (Promise)

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I wake up in a hazy fog. I can't think right. I can't remember anything. I remember the dinner and then Cinder left with Scarlet. And then I started drinking. 

I got drunk.

After I promised Cinder I wouldn't. I open my eyes and I see Cinder laying next to me. She is fast asleep her chest rising and falling. Even in her sleep she looks exhausted. She's close. Sharing the same pillow as me. I kiss her unmoving lips and she continues on sleeping. Chest rising and falling at a steady rate.

Then she opens her eyes slowly, looking at me. "Kai." She says softly. She's hurt, I did something to her last night, it traumatized her, whatever it was. Me and my idiotic self have managed to hurt my wife again.

"Cinder, I'm sorry." 

She focuses on me and then her gaze darkens, "Yeah you are."

I try to pull her closer to me but she stays in her place. She looks sick she is holding her stomach looking into my eyes.

I realize that I reek of wine. Reek. Stink. It seems as if it is all over me instead of only in my mouth.

She rolls over out of the bed and walks out of the room without another words. I don't think she is going anywhere far. She's in her sleeping close.

I sit up. How did I get here, in this bed all neatly tucked in. Oh stars, Cinder must have had to reason with drunk me. I rub my head, I feel terrible. But this is my fault, I brought this upon myself. And even if there were a cure I wouldn't take it. I need to learn this lesson. One, listen to Cinder. And two, don't drink unless you are lawfully required to.

Cinder walks back into the room looking miserable as I feel. But, I remind myself. I brought her misery upon her and I brought my misery upon myself.

She sits gingerly on the side of the bed, ducking her head so that she doesn't hit the top bunk. "I'm sorry Kai, are you okay." She apologizes for her response earlier.

"Yeah- well not really but that doesn't matter. Are you okay?" 

She looks at the floor, she seems guilty. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry Kai. I'm so sorry."

What's wrong with her. It should be me saying sorry. But instead I am starring as my wife break down in front of my eyes, I'm sorry. A sorry person that is. "Cinder, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes I did Kai and I am sorry."

Forget being sympathetic. What did she do to me. "What did you do?"

She looks over her shoulder at me and then looks back to the floor. "I controlled you Kai. I used my lunar gift to get you into bed."

I can see how she thinks this is wrong seeing as she promised not to use her gift on me in our wedding vows and everything. I guess that is kind of wrong but I don't care. I would have controlled me if I was drunk....wait what? I am loosing it. 

"Cinder, it's okay. You had to." You see what disturbs me is not that Cinder used her gift on me it is the fact that she had to use her gift on me. And I know that is a promise that Cinder holds close to her heart and she broke it. 

"Cinder what did I do to you." I sit up, I am flustered now, "Are you okay, did I hurt you?" I pull myself over so that I am sitting next to her, my hand resting on her back.

"No, you didn't hurt me. You were just acting really weird. You didn't do anything to me, it just hurt me to see you like that, so," She slows down, "I put you to sleep with my gift hoping that you would wake up you again."

I kiss her cheek, "Cinder I don't care that you controlled me, you had to."

She shakes her head, she can't seem to meet my gaze. That's okay though I can't meet hers either.

I take a breath, "This is our last day, let's have fun, spend quality time together."

She shakes her head determined, "No, you probably don't feel good."

I peer up at her because there is nothing else to say. She is right like she always is, I don't feel good.  

She turns to look at me, still looking guilty. She nuzzles her head in my neck and I accept her body. 

Idiot me did something to cause her pain once again. And she still loves me.

You guys I think I have a problem, I love writing Kaider fights. This is a problem. Like I love the love story and everything but the fighting mmm.

Comment with a simple K for kaider and then B or G for boy or girl and then same thing for Wolflet, W and then B or G. Simple, easy, awesome.

You guys have finally started to comment and vote and to you I say a big THANK YOU.....I do go through all of you comments and I respond to most of them. Because some comments it doesn't make sense to respond to........

Keep the comment and the votes comming!!!!!

Eww I don't like ending like that (I have a tradition and I intend to keep it)



Be Safe

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